October 3 Quebec Election

Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec Campaigns for Democratic Renewal and People's Empowerment

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The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) is presenting twelve candidates for election in Quebec on October 3. Six women and six men are presenting themselves for election -- six in Montreal, three on Montreal's south shore, two in Quebec City and one in Gatineau.

The electoral system and monopoly media privilege the parties in the Legislature by providing millions of dollars from the public purse and free promotion for their campaigns. Small parties and independent candidates are dismissed and the population itself is marginalized. The participation in the election by the PMLQ gives the working people a platform to speak in their own name about their conditions of life and work and the solutions they know through experience will contribute to resolving the problems they face. These are the solutions which are not put forward by the main cartel party the ruling elites have chosen as their champion in this election, who the polls predict will win a sweeping majority.

The logic of the establishment is that an election is held to form a party government and nothing else matters. The PMLQ is calling on electors to break with the politics of disempowerment and affirm that there are alternatives to the current state of affairs and direction for Quebec.

The PMLQ's campaign is based on democratic principle, not self-serving expediency. "As working people we can speak for ourselves and must have a say in the affairs of our workplaces, educational institutions, communities, villages, towns, cities and all of Quebec. Join us in the work for democratic renewal and people's empowerment!" the PMLQ writes.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 21 - September 30, 2022

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