Denounce the Arms Producers and Warmongers -- Greatest Polluters on the Planet

Central to upholding the dignity of Mother Earth and meeting the needs of the peoples of the world is to denounce the arms producers and war profiteers whose industries are the greatest polluters on earth. The demand for climate justice can only be true to itself if it denounces the U.S. wars of aggression and regime change and the hypocrisy and fraud of NATO and UN missions carried out in the name of humanitarian aid and corridors, peace, freedom, democracy and the already discredited "responsibility to protect."

All governments of Canada regardless of party affiliation have shown in practice that they fully identify with the narrow stance of private interests of the rich and the demands of the war government in the United States and its understudy in Canada. To serve these private interests and in the same breath express concern for the environment is absurd.

All Out to Humanize the Natural and Social Environment!

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 17 - September 23, 2022

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