September 23 Climate Strike Actions

All Out to Raise Our Claims for Climate Justice Loud and Clear!

Montreal climate strike action, May 17, 2019

On Friday, September 23, the peoples of the world come together to demand proper attention be paid to Mother Earth and denounce the reality that their concerns are not being met. Ruling elites attempt to give the impression of taking measures to bring climate change under control but their claims about "greening the economy" are seen as fraudulent from one end of the world to the other. The overall situation as a result of the rule of the rich is dire. Indicative of the disasters which await humankind was the Opening Speech by UN Secretary-General António Guterres when the High Level General Debate at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly got underway on Tuesday, September 20.

"With people from all points of the globe crying out for relief and hope, international action on major challenges -- from climate to conflict and securing sustainable development -- is paralyzed by dysfunction and held hostage to geopolitical tensions," Guterres said.

"Our world is in big trouble. Divides are growing deeper; inequalities are growing wider; challenges are spreading farther... we need hope... we need action across the board," he said.

The neglect by ruling elites of their responsibilities towards the social and natural environment are leading to ever more crippling disasters. The examples of suffering in Pakistan, Puerto Rico, the Turks and Caicos as a result of failure to provide the infrastructure needed to protect from flooding and hurricanes, the famines in Africa and water crises even in the U.S., the heartland of imperialism, attest to this. The problem begins with the fact that it is not the people who control the decisions which affect their lives. All the rulers have to offer are pay-the-rich schemes and other self-serving practices which reveals whose agenda controls the official discourse on the environment.

Action demanding climate justice in Bangladesh during COP26, November 5, 2021.

On the occasion of the Climate Strike Actions we salute primarily the youth who are raising the claims on society which must be raised which they call "climate justice."

The peoples all over the world are struggling to stay the hand of the elites and hold them to account to overcome the destructive effects of climate change and other problems. Battles are raging to end the pernicious practices of the ruling elite such as fracking, clear cutting, detrimental mining methods, contamination of rivers, lakes and oceans, the privatization of water, fraudulent environmental assessments and dispossession of the rightful holders and stewards of the land.

All over the world the people are organizing to restrict and deprive the monopolies and oligopolies and governments in their service of their ability to pollute, destroy, wage wars, super-exploit, criminalize and deprive the people of their right to a say, and trample on the sovereign rights of Indigenous peoples. The striving for empowerment of working people from all walks of life unites them to become an organized force in defence of the rights of all and Mother Earth.

The Marxist-Leninist Party states clearly that the natural and social environment cannot be humanized without opposing government pay-the-rich schemes and governments of police powers which criminalize resistance. The use of green and other buzzwords warn us that the relentless pursuit of profit continues in the name of high ideals. Despite the high-sounding proclamations of the rulers, in Canada governments at all levels at the behest of narrow private interests continue to expropriate Indigenous peoples, trample on their land and water and attack the thousands of Canadians opposing specific projects such as the Coastal GasLink pipeline construction on the lands of the Wet'suwet'en.

The criminalizing of the struggles of the people is particularly shameful when done in the name of "national interest" and "creating jobs." These false associations are meant to ensure the people play no role in determining the outcome of the decisions that affect their lives and Mother Earth. In this way the ruling elite attempt to block the people from sorting out important issues such as climate change, economic development and, most crucial of all, the need to renovate Canada's colonial constitutional order. This constitutional order enshrines arbitrary powers above the people, a hierarchy of privileges which deprive the people of their ability to exercise the rights which belong to them by virtue of their being. It is inherently racist towards all those who are considered illegitimate unless they prove their loyalty by compromising their conscience.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 17 - September 23, 2022

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