Call to Wear the White Poppy on Remembrance Day
The Quebec anti-war coalition
à la guerre published the following open letter in the pages
of Le Devoir on November 7.
These are grave
As the Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists advances its "Doomsday Clock" to "100 seconds
before midnight" to illustrate the "most dangerous situation mankind
has ever faced" ...
...the warheads held by the
nine nuclear-weapon states in the world are hundreds of times more
powerful than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that took the
lives of more than 200,000 people;
nuclear arsenals alone have the potential to wipe out humanity and much
of the world's animal and plant life; nevertheless, Canada boycotted
the process of developing and adopting the Nuclear Weapons Treaty
(NWT), adopted in 2017 by 122 of 192 countries;
United States and Russia have not renewed the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty; furthermore, the U.S. has indicated that
it will not agree to extend the New START Strategic Nuclear Reductions
Treaty, which expires in February 2021.
civilian populations, the danger does not end there....
bases and training sites around the world generate tons of toxic waste
that contaminate soil and groundwater. Military operations have a
significant impact on global warming, for example, the U.S. military
alone is the largest single producer of greenhouse gases in the world;
...The Government of Canada has just resumed the
sale of
armoured vehicles and weapons to Saudi Arabia -- military equipment
that could be used in the war in Yemen, which has killed more than
100,000 people, many of them civilians, despite criticism from a UN
panel of experts;
...The U.S. is increasingly
playing the card of interference, intimidation and military aggression.
The threat of new and even more destructive wars is growing, and with
it the risk of a nuclear conflagration.
In this
time of danger, we invite you to wear the White Poppy to remember the
thousands of civilian casualties of war and to prevent hundreds of
thousands more!
This article was published in
Volume 50 Number 8 - November 11, 2020
Volume [volume] Number [issue] - [date]
Article Link:
Call to Wear the White Poppy on Remembrance Day