Monday, December 16, 2024
Finance Minister Announces Resignation on December 16
Desperation, Diversion and Morbid Preoccupation with Defeat
The more desperate the forces which have devoted their political careers to paying the rich and integrating Canada into the U.S. war machine become, the more they resort to diversion. The more they resort to diversion, the more their morbid preoccupation with defeat becomes obvious, and the more desperate they become.
This is the Slough of Despond the government of Canada has sunk into, along with the cartel parties which make up the opposition.
This pretty much sums up the crisis in which the Liberal Party of Canada and its government find themselves. The fact that Chrystia Freeland, a Cabinet Minister with the finance portfolio who was also Deputy-Prime Minister, publicly resigned on X, on Monday, December 16 right before a cabinet meeting was to take place seems like an obvious attempt to dominate the narrative and play politics.
As if Canadians have the great opinion of her that she has of herself, here we have Chrystia Freeland gnashing her teeth in public because she has been removed from the kingdom, declaring she will live to fight another day.
Freeland announced her resignation a mere seven hours before she was expected to deliver Canada's fall economic statement on Monday at 4:00 pm. Even fellow Cabinet Ministers were not aware of her demotion the previous Friday and even though the Prime Minister convoked a Cabinet meeting at 10:00 am, no announcement was made about who would replace her.
None of these shenanigans of the soap opera kind will be seen by Canadians as serving their well-being. They are fed up.
Where the cartel parties stand on tariffs or on the GST holiday and $250 cheques for working Canadians who earned less than $150,000 in 2023, are not matters which give rise to sound economic policy. People suspect the GST holiday is mainly designed to give the superstores a helping hand by inciting people to make purchases they would otherwise not be making. So long as cartel parties and their governments continue to implement pay-the-rich schemes and integrate Canada into the U.S. war machine in the name of high ideals, they will continue to be rejected by Canadians.
The motley crew comprised of the federal Liberal Party, the cartel parties which make up the Opposition, provincial premiers and various establishment forces such as the monopoly owned media, the major banks and miscellaneous think-tanks will now have a disinforming feast. This will include not only Trump's threats of dire consequences for Canada if the country does not play ball the way he says it should be played, but threats and counter-threats from the entire cabal.
But Canadians have proven repeatedly that they do not respond well to threats of dire consequences.
No matter what spin and counter-spin emerge from the news of Chrystia Freeland's removal from the finance portfolio and her resignation, no amount of media attempts to present these events, or responses of any of the cartel parties, as serving the interests of working people will make it so.
The more the Canadian working class and people take measures to cope with their own plight, the more they see how desperate the rulers are and the more they stick to laying their own claims on society and dissociate themselves from the rulers' morbid preoccupation with defeat.
Now is the time for Canadians to make way for democratic renewal and fight for a new direction for the economy.
Stop Paying the Rich! Increase Investments in Social Programs!
Freeland's Letter to Trudeau Announcing Her Resignation
– Monday, December 16, 2024, 9:07 am –
Dear Prime Minister,
It has been the honour of my life to serve in government, working for Canada and Canadians. We have accomplished a lot together.
On Friday, you told me you no longer want me to serve as your Finance Minister and offered me another position in the Cabinet.
Upon reflection, I have concluded that the only honest and viable path is for me to resign from the Cabinet.
To be effective, a Minister must speak on behalf of the Prime Minister and with his full confidence. In making your decision, you made clear that I no longer credibly enjoy that confidence and possess the authority that comes with it.
For the past number of weeks, you and I have found ourselves at odds about the best path forward for Canada.
Our country today faces a grave challenge. The incoming administration in the United States is pursuing a policy of aggressive economic nationalism, including a threat of 25 per cent tariffs.
We need to take that threat extremely seriously. That means keeping our fiscal powder dry today, so we have the reserves we may need for a coming tariff war. That means eschewing costly political gimmicks, which we can ill afford and which make Canadians doubt that we recognize the gravity of the moment.
That means pushing back against 'America First' economic nationalism with a determined effort to fight for capital and investment and the jobs they bring. That means working in good faith and humility with the Premiers of the provinces and territories of our great and diverse country, and building a true Team Canada response.
I know Canadians would recognize and respect such an approach. They know when we are working for them, and they equally know when we are focused on ourselves. Inevitably, our time in government will come to an end. But how we deal with the threat our country currently faces will define us for a generation, and perhaps longer. Canada will win if we are strong, smart, and united.
It is this conviction which has driven my strenuous efforts this fall to manage our spending in ways that will give us the flexibility we will need to meet the serious challenges presented by the United States.
I will always be grateful for the chance to have served in government and I will always be proud of our government's work for Canada and Canadians.
I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues as a Liberal Member of Parliament, and I am committed to running again for my seat in Toronto in the next federal election.
With gratitude,
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P.
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