For Your Information
New Value Postal Workers Produce
The new value postal workers produce can be calculated precisely as their total work-time during the year. This total work-time exists concretely as use-value accepting, sorting and delivering letters and parcels. The realization of this use-value through exchange as an equivalent in money is not under the control of postal workers. The corporation and government control this realization in money and its accounting.
The realization of the new value workers produce under the imperialist system is done through exchange, payment and consumption of the use-value workers produce. Payment for the new value postal workers produce must come from other sectors of the economy through direct payment for postal service such as using stamps and postal fees or indirectly from government subsidies originating in revenue collected from the economy for that purpose.
The organization and accounting of the payment and realization of postal use-value are under the control of the company and government. They use imperialist accounting methods taught in the universities that render incomprehensible the origin of value and the central role played by the working class in its production. Imperialist accounting seeks to perpetuate the class dictatorship in deciding the direction of the economy and how much workers are paid for their capacity to work. The ruling class in power spreads disinformation about the economy as ideological warfare against the working class to suppress its struggles for better wages and working conditions and to deter it from grasping the outlook of the necessity for revolution to gain control of all affairs that affect the lives of the people and put an end to the control of the economy and expropriation of new value by the rich.
Denounce the big lie that workers are a cost of production!
This article was published in
December 19, 2024
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