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Canadian Union of Postal Workers Pickets Ontario MPs' Offices

CUPW Scarborough Local pickets MP Shaun Chen's office, December 3, 2024.

On December 3 CUPW locals in Ontario picketed several MPs' offices. The following is the text of a leaflet issued by the Scarborough Local for the picket.

MPs Must Stand Up for What Is Right!

It is time for the corporation to give orders to its appointed subjects on Canada Post Board of Directors, to do what is legally correct! The charade must stop, where Canada Post is refusing to negotiate a fair labour contract with its employees in the CUPW.

Canada Post principals have no real authority of their own. If the race to the bottom they are seeking to impose on its workers, are the directives of the Liberal government, the Members of Parliament who belong to the Liberal Party must speak out. They must demand that their government orders Canada Post to do the right thing and agree to the demands of the Postal Workers. There is nothing extravagant about our contract demands!!!

Canada Post has acted, in the past, as the bearer of sad news for the entire working class and people. They have implemented methods of discrimination against working people, such as its treatment of women, the treatment of part time workers and the unequal treatment of its rural work force, the continuing disrespect towards First Nation workers who are not allowed to play any significant role in the Canada Post workforce, the flourishing of racism, and so on. Now they are seeking direct attacks on our pension rights and benefits and workplace rights.

The attacks which are going on against postal workers now, with the attempts to roll back workplace rights and health and safety issues, must be stopped.

A better Canada Post must start with the proper treatment of those who daily process, create and deliver the wealth which goes into the bank account of Canada Post.

A better Canada Post cannot start with reducing the workers into poverty, nor by introducing methods of work akin to indentured and slave-like conditions.

Longer hours of delivering and larger areas of responsibility, using workers as machines, creating more precarious part time work and cutting back on full-time work, are not solutions to anything but are attacks on the workforce. The gutting of the long fought for workplace rights from the Collective Agreement, cannot be accepted. This giving of new powers to bully the workforce is not progressive but the reintroduction in the workplace of the power of slaveowners -- not needed in these modern times. It will introduce fights beyond anything that has been seen to date in the workplace. Workers will stand up for their dignity!!

We are calling on the Members of Parliament to uphold their own responsibilities to the working people who have supported them in seeking elections. The working people need your support now in demanding that the government brings an end to these stubborn actions by its own corporation.

It is more than a year that Canada Post has wasted in the negotiation process. We workers had no choice but to follow the process and take strike actions to use our Charter rights in these negotiations. Rights mean something! The MPs and their government must respect this. The corporation must order Canada Post to agree to the demands of the Union and to open up the doors to resume the service and deliver the people's mail from coast to coast to coast as we normally do daily.

We Will Keep Fighting Until We Win!!

Members of Parliament must stand up and demand that the government orders its CPC Board of Directors to immediately end the oppression and settle the 2024 CUPW contract!!

Learie Charles,
President CUPW Scarborough Local




Owen Sound

This article was published in
Monday, December 9, 2024

Article Link:


Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca