Riyadh Declaration of the First China-Arab
States Summit

At the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in order to develop relations between China and Arab states in various fields, the leaders of the People's Republic of China and the member states of the League of Arab States met on December 9, 2022 The first China-Arab States summit was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on the 1st.

We are willing to strengthen joint cooperation and enhance the China-Arab strategic partnership; we appreciate the profound historical ties between the Chinese and Arab peoples, the close exchanges between the two ancient civilizations, and the solid friendly relations between China and Arab countries.

The China-Arab Cooperation Forum, established in Cairo in 2004, has endowed China-Arab relations with distinctive features, making it a successful example of multilateral international cooperation.

Recalling the relevant documents on the establishment of the forum, the "Tianjin Declaration" on the establishment of China-Arab strategic cooperative relations issued by the forum in 2010, the "China-Arab Cooperation Forum 2014-2024 Development Plan" signed in 2014, and the " Beijing Declaration" and "China-Arab Cooperation and Joint Construction of the "Belt and Road" Action Declaration";

We all hope to open up broader prospects for the China-Arab strategic partnership, elevate China-Arab cooperation to a higher level, serve the common interests of both sides, support China-Arab efforts in the field of development to meet the challenges of the new era, promote the realization of our common expectations, and protect the the future of future generations;

We firmly believe that stability and prosperity are inseparable, that there can be no real peace without sustainable development, and that there can be no development and prosperity without security, peace and stability;

Following our high-level consultations on Sino-Arab cooperation, and taking into account the latest developments in international and regional issues;

We agree that:

1. Emphasize that we are both willing to strengthen the strategic partnership between the People's Republic of China and Arab countries for comprehensive cooperation, common development, and future-oriented, which is a model of friendly cooperation; we are committed to deepening China-Arab States in various fields through various mechanisms under the framework of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum cooperation and give full play to the role of the forum to promote efforts in the field of development and promote the further development of China-Arab relations.

2. Reaffirm that our countries abide by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, refrain from using force or threat of force in international relations, respect the principles of good-neighborliness and friendship, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

3. Commit to maintaining the international order and multilateralism based on international law, consolidate the principles of solidarity, cooperation and fairness and justice in international relations, safeguard the interests of developing countries, and defend the rights of developing countries.

4. Emphasize that the Palestinian issue has always been the core issue in the Middle East, which requires an end to Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territory and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital in accordance with relevant UN resolutions. A just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the question of Palestine on the basis of the "National Plan".

Under this framework, it is emphasized that the settlements built by Israel in Palestine and the occupied Arab territories are illegal, and that Israel's unilateral measures aimed at changing the status quo in Jerusalem are invalid.

Stresses the need to preserve the historical and legal status of Occupied East Jerusalem; Stresses the important role and support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in order to fulfill its international responsibilities; Stresses the need to implement the International Convention on Refugees and the Protection of Palestinian Civilians resolution; called for the convening of a larger, more authoritative, and more influential international peace conference; appreciated President Xi Jinping's "four-point proposition" on the settlement of the Palestinian issue, as well as a series of initiatives and propositions put forward by China on the Palestinian issue, and appreciated China's Uphold fairness and justice on the Palestinian issue, actively promote the peace process, provide support for the improvement of people's livelihood and economic development of the Palestinian side, and provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian side, and are committed to making the State of Palestine a full member of the United Nations.

5. Pay attention to and appreciate the global development initiative and global security initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, as well as China's efforts to achieve world peace and development through the above-mentioned initiatives, including holding a high-level dialogue on global development.

The above-mentioned initiatives call on the international community to pay attention to various development issues and revitalize the cause of global development, emphasizing that a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept should be adhered to.

The two sides are willing to jointly promote cooperation in key areas of global development initiatives and contribute to accelerating the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

6. Unanimously agreed to make every effort to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era, aiming to strengthen China-Arab solidarity and cooperation, help their respective national rejuvenation, promote regional peace and development, maintain international fairness and justice, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

7. Resolve to maintain political consultation and mutual support on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, and strengthen unity on international issues of common concern on various international occasions.

8. Emphasize that Arab countries firmly abide by the one-China principle, support China in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, reiterate that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and oppose all forms of "Taiwan independence."

Support China's position on the Hong Kong issue, and support China's efforts to safeguard national security and develop and improve Hong Kong's democracy under the framework of "one country, two systems".

Appreciate the important efforts made by both sides to care for ethnic minorities.

9. Strengthen all-round and multi-level exchanges between China and Arab countries, and work together to meet the challenges of common development.

10. Emphasize the need to unite regional and international efforts to seek political solutions to regional crises and issues such as the Syrian, Libyan, and Yemeni crises in accordance with relevant international resolutions, agreements, and principles.

Emphasize the need to safeguard the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the above-mentioned countries, oppose foreign interference, and jointly combat terrorist and extremist organizations in the above-mentioned countries; support the efforts of Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan to achieve security, stability, development, prosperity and counter-terrorism; support the United Nations and The efforts of the Arab League to this end.

China emphasizes its support for Arab countries to unite and cooperate to resolve regional security issues, and supports the Arab people to independently explore their own development path.

The Arab side appreciates China's diplomatic efforts to support the Arab cause, seek a peaceful solution to regional crises, and promote regional and international peace and security.

11. Support efforts to achieve a political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and restore security and peace in accordance with international law, the principles of the UN Charter, good-neighborliness and friendship, and the principles of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, thereby safeguarding the core interests of all parties.

12. Respect that countries independently choose their development concepts, and emphasize that they should work together to achieve sustainable development and reduce poverty. Jointly implement the "Belt and Road" initiative, provide broad opportunities for cooperation and development between the two sides, and strive to promote the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the development visions of Arab countries to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

13. Carry forward the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, and respect the independent choice of democratic development paths and social and political systems that people of all countries choose to suit their national conditions.

We oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of safeguarding democracy.

14. Emphasize that international human rights cooperation should be carried out on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and oppose the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues, and oppose the use of them to exert pressure on other countries and interfere in their internal affairs.

15. International efforts under the framework of the United Nations to address climate change, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, should be strengthened.

Support Saudi Arabia's "Green Middle East" initiative, China's Green Silk Road initiative and other initiatives aimed at achieving green development.

16. Emphasize that the international community should not exclude major energy sources or ignore investment in them, which will bring challenges to the energy market, especially will have an unfair impact on developing countries. Global economic growth is closely related to energy security and energy supply. A "balanced route" policy should be adopted to promote global economic growth through the use of various energy sources and the implementation of a carbon circular economy program aimed at carbon neutrality and building a sustainable society.

17. Appreciate China's provision of anti-epidemic materials such as vaccines and medical supplies to some Arab countries and the Secretariat of the Arab League, and emphasize that they should work together to promote economic recovery after the epidemic.

18. Noted that China and the Secretariat of the Arab League jointly issued the "China-Arab Data Security Cooperation Initiative", and are willing to take this opportunity to continuously deepen cooperation and jointly promote global cyberspace governance.

19. Support efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the cornerstone of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.

Stressed that a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction should be established.

20. Strengthen anti-terrorism efforts, condemn and combat terrorism in all forms, forms, and motives. Terrorism should not be linked to any nation, religion, nationality, or civilization, and the root causes of terrorism should be eradicated. At the same time, counter-terrorism "double standards" should be opposed. 21. Strengthen dialogue among civilizations, respect different cultures, and put an end to promoting hatred, extremist ideas, and clashes of civilizations among people with different religions and cultural backgrounds.

Emphasize opposition to all forms of Islamophobia.

Emphasizing that the two major civilizations of China and Arab states have made unique contributions to the progress of human civilization, we are willing to continue to advocate dialogue and exchanges between civilizations, maintain the diversity of world civilizations, abandon discrimination and prejudice against specific civilizations, and oppose the theory of "clash of civilizations."

22. Emphasize that China-Arab non-governmental friendly relations in the fields of culture, sports, tourism and news should be consolidated.

23. Instruct the ministries and agencies of both sides to implement the summit outcomes through the implementation plan of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and other mechanisms of the Forum.

Emphasize that the next stage should be in politics, economy, society, development, economy and trade, investment, finance, industry, transportation, energy, environmental protection, agriculture, food security, tourism, human resource development, intellectual property rights, culture, civilization dialogue, education, scientific research , science and technology, news, health, sustainable development, sports and other areas continue to carry out cooperation.

24. Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia for hosting this historic summit Z Al Saud expressed his heartfelt thanks and appreciation.
China welcomes the next China-Arab Summit to be held in China, and the specific time will be determined by the two sides.

December 9, 2022, Riyadh.

(Source: chinanews)

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