Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Gulf Cooperation Council Cooperation and Development Summit

At the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the leaders of the People's Republic of China and the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council held a meeting in Riyadh on December 9, 2022, and attended the meeting

Leaders include:

Chinese President Xi Jinping,
Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman,
Hamad bin Mohammad Al Sharki, Member of the UAE Federal Supreme Council and Ruler of Fujairah,
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain,Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Cabinet Affairs of Oman,
Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar,
Kuwaiti Crown Prince Mishal Ahmed al-Jabir Al-Sabah,
GCC Secretary General Naif Farah Mubarak Hajiraf.

The meeting reached the following consensus:

1. The leaders of the two sides agreed to strengthen the strategic partnership established between China and the GCC, emphasizing the need to promote this strategic partnership into a new era in the fields of politics, economy and culture, and adopted a plan to achieve this goal Action Plan for Strategic Dialogue between the People's Republic of China and the Gulf Cooperation Council 2023-2027.

2. The leaders of the two sides instructed the two sides to continue to carry out strategic dialogues at all levels, discuss and coordinate positions on issues of common concern, support efforts aimed at achieving global economic recovery, and respond to the negative impact of challenges such as the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the economy. Ensure supply chain resilience and food and energy supply security, promote partnerships in clean energy sources and technology development, help countries most in need and help meet their humanitarian needs.

3. The leaders of the two sides emphasized that they should support each other and realize the common interests of both sides. China supports the GCC countries in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, maintaining their own security and stability, and achieving integrated development. The GCC countries support China's economic development, safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and abide by the one-China principle.

4. The leaders of the two sides emphasized that they should continue to deepen bilateral cooperation in the fields of energy, trade, investment, finance, industry, high technology, aerospace, health and other fields to realize the common interests of both sides, including completing the negotiations on the China-Ghai Free Trade Area as soon as possible.

5. The leaders of the two sides expressed their willingness to strengthen dialogue among civilizations and exchanges and mutual learning among different cultures, maintain the diversity of civilizations, and emphasized that the inclusive coexistence of people and nations of all countries is the most important principle and value basis of the international community. Encourage exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the fields of culture, education, tourism, news, sports, etc., as well as friendly exchanges between the think tanks of the two sides, and encourage people-to-people bonds between the two sides.

6. The leaders of the two sides appreciated Qatar's successful hosting of the 2022 World Cup and appreciated the positive role played by the event in promoting people-to-people, civilized, cultural and ideological exchanges; the leaders of the two sides condemned malicious media attacks against Qatar. The leaders of both sides welcomed and supported Qatar's hosting of the United Nations Fifth LDC Phase II Heads of State and Government Summit from March 5 to 9, 2023.

7. The leaders of both sides condemn terrorism, regardless of its origin, oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, work to cut off the sources of terrorist financing, and resolve to strengthen international and regional efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and prevent any individual or entity from Provide funds, weapons and recruits to terrorist organizations, and stop all activities that threaten regional security and stability.

8. The leaders of the two sides discussed regional and international issues and agreed that they should work together to achieve global peace, security, stability and prosperity, take the restoration of international peace and security as a priority, and achieve development and progress through mutual respect and cooperation among countries, Adhere to the norms of international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of good-neighborliness and friendship, maintain the international order based on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all countries, and do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and do not use force or threaten force.

9. The leaders of the two sides emphasized that they should support the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Gulf region, and ensure the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program in order to maintain international and regional security and stability. They also called on Iran to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency Carry out comprehensive cooperation.

10. The two sides emphasized that the relations between the Gulf Arab countries and Iran should follow the principles of good-neighborly friendship and non-interference in internal affairs, respect national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and resolve differences through peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law without resorting to the use of force Or use the threat of force to maintain international and regional security and stability.

11. The leaders of both sides emphasized the importance of comprehensive dialogue involving regional countries to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue, destabilizing regional activities, deter support for terrorist organizations, sectarian organizations and illegal armed groups, and prevent ballistic missiles and drones Proliferation, ensuring the safety of international waterways and oil facilities, and complying with UN resolutions and international legal principles.

12. The leaders of the two sides emphasized their support for all peace efforts, including the initiative and efforts of the United Arab Emirates aimed at conducting bilateral negotiations in accordance with the norms of international law to peacefully resolve the issue of the three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, Abu Musa), thereby fix the problem.

13. The leaders of the two sides called on Iraq to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kuwait, abide by the resolutions of the UN Security Council, especially Resolution 833, and the agreements signed between the two countries and deposited in the United Nations. Calls on Iraq to complete the maritime demarcation with Kuwait.

14. The leaders of the two sides emphasized that the Palestinian issue should be resolved fairly on the basis of the "two-state solution" in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and the "Arab Peace Initiative", and an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital should be established. Settlement activities and all unilateral actions should be stopped, and the historical status quo of Jerusalem and its holy places should be respected.

15. The leaders of the two sides emphasized their support for the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council led by Chairman Alimi, and expressed their hope for a political settlement of the Yemeni issue in accordance with the GCC initiative and its implementation mechanism, the results of the Yemeni National Dialogue Conference, and UN Security Council Resolution 2216, and called on all parties in Yemen to work together Immediately start direct negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, continue to abide by the ceasefire agreement, and support the humanitarian, relief and development needs of the Yemeni people. The leaders of the two sides condemned all terrorist attacks launched by the Houthi militia against civilian targets in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and on waterways and international waterways, and called on all countries to cooperate in opposing the above-mentioned acts and abide by UN Security Council Resolutions 2216 and 2624 on Arms embargo provisions.

16. The leaders of both sides emphasized their full support for Iraq's sovereignty, security, stability, development and prosperity, as well as Iraq's anti-terrorism efforts. Emphasize that in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, efforts should be made to achieve a political settlement of the Syrian crisis and safeguard Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Emphasize standing with the Lebanese people, continue to support Lebanon's sovereignty, security and stability, and support the Lebanese Armed Forces in defending Lebanon's borders and resisting threats from extremist terrorist organizations. Support efforts to resolve the Libyan crisis in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, and encourage all parties in Libya to hold elections as soon as possible under the auspices of the UN to unify the national institutions. All foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya should be withdrawn.

17. The leaders of the two sides emphasized that they should promote the security and stability of Afghanistan, and increase efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, and called on the Afghan authorities to fulfill their obligations, protect the basic rights and freedoms of all Afghan people, form an inclusive government, and ensure that Afghan The territory is not used by any terrorist organization or used for the export of drugs.

18. The leaders of the two sides emphasized their support for all international efforts aimed at promoting the relaxation of the situation and the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations, so as to protect the safety of life and property and maintain international and regional security and stability.

(December 9, 2022 in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

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