Members of Coalition of 13 Canadian Palestinian Organizations 

Mr. Jamal Khalid, President (Association of Palestinian Arabs) — Mississauga, ON

Mrs. Nora Al-Taji, President (Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec) — Montreal, QC

Mr. Ramsey Zeid, President (Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba) — Winnipeg, MN

Mr. Wael Ghuneim, President (Palestinian Association of Hamilton) — Hamilton, ON

Mr. Mazen Shahattou, President (Canadian Arab Society of London) — London, ON

Councillor Yousef Barakat, President (Canadian Arab Forum of BC) — Vancouver, BC

Dr. Ahmad Qais, President (Palestinian Canadian Community Centre — Palestine House) Mississauga, ON

Mr Amin Maued, President (Palestine House — Toronto) Toronto, ON

Mr. Omar AlQatami, President (Atlantic Canada Palestinian Society) Halifax, NS

Mr. Ali Mustafa, President (Canada Palestine Cultural Association) — Edmonton, AB

Mr. Naser Hamed, President (The Palestinian Association of Brantford) Brantford, ON

Mr. Rashad Saleh, President (The Canadian Palestinian Council) — Mississauga, ON

Mr. Thomes Woodley, President (Canadians for Justice& Peace in the Middle East)