March 31, 2022
CPC(M-L) Celebrates Its 52nd Anniversary
The Indelible Impact of CPC(M-L)
on the Canadian Polity
Members, supporters, friends and fellow travelers of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) look back with great pride at the historic struggles and uninterrupted work they have carried out and sustained to organize the Canadian working class and broad sections of the people under the leadership and influence of the Party. At every stage of its existence, CPC(M-L) has taken up those tasks that were critical to opposing the retrogressive measures and pressures of the moribund capitalist ruling class and opening society’s path to progress.
Notwithstanding the relentless campaign of the ruling elite to convince everyone that CPC(M-L) is irrelevant, “fringe” and of interest only to the radical few, the work of the Party has had an indelible impact on the Canadian polity. In many regards, it can be said that Canada would be a different country were it not for the existence and leadership of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) at critical times in foiling the efforts of the ruling elite to impose retrogressive qualities onto the society and the thinking of the people.
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have come into contact with the work of the Party have had their spirits and outlooks lifted by the awareness that there is an organized political force in Canada that persists in proclaiming that there is an alternative to the current state of affairs. Their spirits have been lifted by the prospective horizon of a new society based on the recognition of the human rights of all, where the natural and social resources of the country are not squandered for the benefit of the few but put into the service of the entire working class and people.
Tens of thousands of Canadians have participated in the campaigns of the Party, such as the broad work to recognize the rights of the Quebec nation and Indigenous peoples, as well as to define minority rights and human rights on a modern basis, as in the historic work to defeat the racist Green Paper on immigration and the efforts of the Canadian government to blame the people for racism and whitewash the role of the state in the promotion of racism. The campaign to defeat the Charlottetown Accord was another which involved the entire polity to take a non-partisan approach to modernizing the Canadian democracy and end the 19th century British colonial constitutional arrangements upon which the current anti-people democracy is based.
Tens of thousands of young people have participated in struggles on various fronts bolstered by the ideo-political work of the Party, leading to transformations that cannot be reversed in the Canadian collective consciousness. The demands of the youth and students under the influence of the Party guide today’s teachers and education workers to boldly proclaim that education is a right, not a privilege. So too on the front of health care, the Party has always gone to the heart of the matter: health care is a right, not a privilege. This is confirmed by current unfolding events. The right to health care must be affirmed in the form of making sure Canadians have enough doctors, nurses and properly provisioned health facilities readily at hand. The treatment of health professionals and workers must come first in the plans of governments. The right to health care must be enshrined in a modern constitution and not permitted to be reduced to the distribution of financial resources in self-serving ways. Privatization of health care and seniors’ care which reduces human beings to “clients” who must enhance profit-making should be banned.
It is the Party’s mass democratic method of work, of maximum political mobilization and reliance on the working class and people to play their role, that transforms the Canadian polity. Today the quality of being human means that all human beings must lay the claims which they must so as to humanize the natural and social environment. The most basic human right is the right to participate in making the decisions which affect our lives.
Today, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) stands as the indispensable political organization of the Canadian working class and people because its striving to humanize both the natural and social environment is based on the mass democratic method which brings forward the modern democratic personality. On the basis of this method, CPC(M-L) practices internal democracy and extends this to all spheres of endeavour. As it has at every stage of its work over the past five decades, it has taken up the task that is most crucial to opening the path for society’s progress by involving the people in making their own history. At a time when the very word “politics” has been disgraced, CPC(M-L) honourably practices the conception of a political party that serves the purpose of involving the people in decision-making and participating in the political affairs of the society so that decisions favour the people and not the private interests of the rich. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is committed to putting everything in place to achieve the transformations Canada needs. Canada will then be fit to play a role as a champion of peace, freedom and democracy internationally as well.
There Is Such a Party! All out to support it, build it and finance it so that together we can turn things around in our favour!

(TML Archives)
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