Official Launch of Fundraising Campaign for Victims of Earthquake in Haiti
Sunday, October 3 — 4:00-6:30 pm
Reception Hall “La Providence”
6566 Jarry Street East, Montreal
Following the devastating earthquake of August 14, 2021 affecting three departments in Haiti’s ‘Grand Sud’ region, the Interregional Support Group in Response to Haitian Municipal Organizations (GISROMH) has organized itself to be able to provide structured support to the affected Haitian localities during the post-emergency period.
GISROMH has given itself the mandate to organize a three-month fundraising campaign, from October 3 to January 3, 2022, with the goal of raising $3 million.
GISROMH’s actions and decisions are guided by the following values: respect for Haitian sovereignty, autonomy, solidarity, democratic authority and member participation. These values allow us to articulate an approach aimed at real and systemic change.