August 10 Public Zoom Meeting/Media Conference
Ontario Injured Workers Demand to Be Consulted on Amendments to
Compensation System
Kicked When Down — Injured Workers Outraged!
Tuesday, August 10 – 10:00 am
Organized by Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group
To join via Zoom click here.
Meeting ID: 864 4448 8750
Or stream live on Facebook.
Everyone is invited to join this event. Following the presentation there will be a Q&A for media and then a Q&A for the public. Please share far and wide.
The Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group is calling on the Ontario government to hold open public consultations before proceeding with amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
The Ministry of Labour (MOL) has announced the end of a consultation process that lasted a mere 26 days, held in the middle of the summer, regarding proposed legislative changes to the Workers Compensation System. Besides the short time period when many people are away, the Ministry hid the notice of this consultation from injured workers and the labour movement.
The legislative changes are to address what to do with the six billion dollar “surplus” accumulated by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). The MOL is proposing to start sending cheques to employers without any consideration to righting the wrongs done to injured workers over the past decade, including through cuts to their benefits and denial of claims.
Injured workers are demanding that the government must insist that the WSIB “abolish all practices that are harmful to injured or ill workers and fulfill their legislative obligations” and that the “surplus” be used to improve the lives of injured workers, not as a rebate for employers.