In the News
Montreal Rally Supports Palestinian Resistance
On Monday, May 10 at 5:00 pm in Montreal, in immediate response to the attempted eviction of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem and Israeli state police violence deployed against the Al-Aqsa mosque since May 7, Montreal’s Palestinian community and its allies held a protest rally in front of the Israeli consulate. Speaker after speaker condemned state terrorism and hailed the Palestinian people’s steadfast resistance to this barbarism. They defended the Palestinian people’s right to be, their right to resist, their right to live in peace and to recover their stolen lands. The youth were in the forefront at the action, in large numbers.
When a provocateur tried to approach the rally waving the Israeli Zionist flag, the youth surrounded the car, forcing the driver to turn back. The slogan “Free, Free Palestine” was heard throughout the rally, along with many others.
The next such event in Montreal takes place Saturday, May 15, in the form of a car caravan in support of the Palestinian people (below). For the full Calendar of Events, click here.