Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Cuba’s Successful Literacy Campaign
Literacy workers and Fidel Castro celebrate the victory of Cuba’s literacy campaign in 1961.
Sunday, April 25
4:00 pm PT / 5:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm CT / 7:00pm ET / 8:00pm AT
To register, click here.
Organized by: Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade Committee
of the Canadian Network on Cuba
April 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban literacy campaign, which eradicated illiteracy on the island in just 8 months. This impressive accomplishment was carried out by the massive mobilization of 308,000 volunteers, many of them students and young women, who embarked on literacy brigades throughout the island to teach their fellow Cubans how to read and write. Today Cuba’s literacy rate is 99.8 per cent as reported by UNESCO, which is one of the highest rates in the world.
This historic achievement is not only an admirable moment in Cuba’s history, but still in action today on an international scale. Thousands of Cuban literacy teachers have volunteered in countries around the world, and Cuba’s “Yo, sí puedo” (Yes, I can) teaching model for both child and adult literacy has been practiced world-wide, including in Canada with the ArrowMight program.
Join to hear speakers from Cuba to Canada share their stories and experiences from Cuba’s literacy campaign, its impact in Cuba and around the world, and why you should travel to Cuba to see it first-hand on the Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade!
Featured Speakers
LUISA CAMPOS GALLARDO: Director of the Cuban Literacy Museum in Havana, Cuba and history professor.
CATHERINE MURPHY: Documentary film director and producer, founder and director of The Literacy Project and director of the documentary film Maestra.
MARCIA B. KRAWLL: Educator, Clinical Social Worker and Human Rights activist with family roots in the Jewish community and Nuxalk First Nation. Marcia worked on developing adult literacy programs in New Zealand and Canada in collaboration with Cuban institutions.
DIANE ZACK: President of Manitoba-Cuba Solidarity Committee
JANINE SOLANKI: Che Guevara Brigade national coordinator
Also featuring film clips from: the inspiring documentary Maestra (2011) and the Cuban documentary EL Maestro del Cilantro (1962) and music from Obsesión, pioneers of Cuban hip-hop reflecting Afro-Cuban roots and socially conscious messages.
Find out more about the Che Guevara Brigade to Cuba! Visit www.canadiannetworkoncuba.ca or contact Che Brigade National Coordinator Janine Solanki at chevolbrigade@gmail.com or 778-881-6156