April 30, 1975
46th Anniversary of Defeat of U.S. Aggression and Intervention in Vietnam — Long Live Vietnam!
On April 30, 1975, the U.S. imperialists had to flee Vietnam as their puppet regime in south Vietnam collapsed and their armed aggression and intervention in Vietnam was defeated. This date is marked every year as National Reunification Day by Vietnamese people at home and around the world.
This war of intervention and aggression by U.S. imperialism goes down in the annals of war as one of the most brutal. It left more than three million Vietnamese dead, millions more wounded and homeless and the entire country and its economy in ruin. The devastation caused to the country and the people was similar to that the U.S. imperialists caused in Korea, which was where the U.S. first suffered defeat. As in Korea so too in Vietnam, U.S. imperialists and others imposed an arbitrary division of the country and then intervened in the civil war on one side against the other in the name of democracy. But like the Korean people, the Vietnamese would not permit the division of their country and fought for its unification. On April 30, 1975, they won!
The barbarity of the intervention and aggression against the people of Vietnam by U.S. imperialism was thoroughly condemned by the peoples of the world, including within the United States itself where a vigorous anti-war movement was built.
The heroism and courage of the people of Vietnam was such that they fought without flinching for their national liberation, reunification and independence. The Vietnamese people fought for the peoples of the entire world who were also under fire from U.S. imperialism. They successfully defended their nation and prevailed, winning victory on the battlefield.
The victorious people of Vietnam, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, proved their mettle not only by defeating the U.S., but also by building a prosperous and modern socialist society after the war for the benefit of all, a project to which everyone can contribute.
The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) resolutely hails the historic victory of the heroic people of Vietnam and their achievements and successes in their struggle since the war for peace, independence and prosperity. CPC(M-L) condemns U.S. imperialism and all reactionaries who continue to push private interests at the cost of the interests of the peoples of the world, committing crimes against the peace and treating human beings as “collateral damage” as they did in Vietnam.
While Canada was not officially involved in the conflict, it played a role in propping up the U.S. drug lords and other puppet forces in Vietnam during the war. Today, the Canadian state continues to act in a two-faced manner that does not accord with the desire of the people of Canada and Quebec for friendly, respectful relations of mutual benefit with Vietnam. Despite nearly 50 years of diplomatic relations with Vietnam, the Canadian state caters to a small group of reactionaries in Canada to sows divisions within the Vietnamese community in Canada based on virulent anti-communism. CPC(M-L) calls on the government to stop this unacceptable activity.
Hail the Anniversary of the Victory of the Heroic Vietnamese People for Their Liberation Known as Reunification Day!
Down with U.S. Imperialism and All Reaction!Oppose all Imperialist Wars of Intervention and Aggression!
Long Live Vietnam!
(TML Archives)