Worldwide Car Caravans, Sunday, March 28
End the U.S. Blockade Against Cuba!
Support Cuba’s Henry Reeve International
Medical Brigade and Their Nomination
for the Nobel Peace Prize!
February 28, 2021. Montreal car caravan in support of Cuba
Join the worldwide day of action!
Decorate your cars with signs, Cuban flags, etc.
Physical distancing and the wearing of masks are required.
2:00-4:00 pm
Departs from parking at Sherbrooke and Calixa-Lavallée Sts. and
ends at U.S. Consulate, 1134 St. Catherine St. W.
Those without cars can join the caravan at 3:00 pm at the U.S. Consulate.
Organized by: Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba
and the Communauté Cubaine au Canada

1:00-3:00 pm
Departs from St. Laurent Shopping Centre, 1200 St. Laurent Blvd.
and ends at U.S. Embassy, 490 Sussex Dr.
Organized by: Cuban-Canadian Association of Ottawa Gatineau
12:00 pm
Departs from Queen’s Quay E. and Cooper St., beside LCBO
Organized by: Association of Cuban Residents in Canada
Juan Gualberto Gomez and Friends of Cuba

11:50 am
Departs from Confusion Corner parking lot (Osborne and Pembina)
Organized by: Manitoba-Cuba Solidarity Committee
12:00 pm
Departs from 662 St. Georges Dr. NE
Organized by: Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Calgary

12:00 pm
Departs from parking lot at Killarney and E. 48th Ave.
Organized by: Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba