CPC(M-L) — 49 Years
Together We Are Sure to Turn Historic Success
into Historic Victory!
On the joyful occasion of the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), on behalf of the Central Committee and on my own behalf, I send all party members, sympathizers, fellow travellers and well-wishers congratulations, heartfelt appreciation for their contributions and best wishes for success in their work.
At this time, the full weight of CPC(M-L) is being put behind the work to bring organization on par with the political demands. This means we are paying first-rate attention to the work of educating the educators. Raising the level of the organizational leadership to the level of political leadership is done by engaging in practical politics based on maximum political mobilization. It requires engaging in all-sided ideological work to provide modern definitions and elaborate theories of governance, organization and methods of work. This work is key on the front of party-building at this time.
The Report to the Party’s 8th Congress guides this work. It emphasized:
“There can be no living that is not based on activating the human factor/social consciousness in a patient, systematic, organized way, both one’s own and everyone else’s through conscious individual acts of participation in acts of finding out what’s what, how issues pose themselves and how to change a situation so that it favours the advanced forces and mobilizes the middle forces so as to isolate the backward forces. Paying first-rate attention to matters of organization at once calms things down and makes it possible to overwhelm those who seek to overwhelm the Party.”
“By putting sovereign decision-making power in the hands of the membership and guaranteeing this based on the internal consolidation of the Party, it is possible to do the same in the broad section of the movement. The repetition and resolution of the dialectic between internal consolidation and external strength is what gives rise to the transformation of consciousness into a new quality and the constant renewal of the Party. This will in turn transform the Party into a new quality — a mass communist party.”
The Report concludes:
“[T]he people who are in CPC(M-L) are the greatest testimony to what the Party is or ought to be. They represent the new world that the peoples of the world are striving to bring into being, the very best humankind has given rise to through its striving to empower itself to exercise control over all the affairs of society to humanize the natural and social environments.”
Today, as we celebrate the achievements of the Party over the past 49 years, and before that the work of our precursor organization The Internationalists, and we embark on our 50th year of life, we also pay tribute to the outstanding contribution of our founder and leader Hardial Bains whose Necessity for Change analysis continues to provide the guidance the Canadian communist and workers’ movement requires today. At this time, the wanton destruction of whole countries through aggression and war and the anarchy and violence which accompany the imperialists’ striving to control and dominate all spheres of endeavour, assail us. So do the mass impoverishment, famines, the need for potable water, the crimes committed by the big powers against human beings — all of this and the constant barrage of disinformation. But they are not just evidence of the rottenness of the Old World which is passing away, seeking to overwhelm us and bring us down with it. The New is also coming into being. In the process of coming into being and passing away, the ensemble of relations between humans and humans and humans and nature reveal what is needed at any time to open a path for progress. At this time they reveal that we must speak in our own name on matters of concern such as those related to war and peace, impoverishment, climate change and where decision-making takes place, how and in whose interest. This is the key to humanizing the natural and social environment. In the doing we join those the world over striving to empower themselves so that all humanity can flourish and achieve the great feats of which it is capable.
Together, Let Us Turn Historic Success into Historic Victory!
Long Live Our Party!
Anna Di Carlo
National Leader
March 31, 2019