Solidarity with Haiti
Michel Martelly, ex-President of Haiti, Is Not Welcome in Montreal or Anywhere Else in Canada! No to Impunity!

Friday, March 22 — 7:00-11:00 pm
Plaza Centre-Ville, 777 Robert-Bourassa Blvd
Michel Martelly, the corrupt former president of Haiti, is in Montreal to perform a concert on March 22. On May 14, 2011, Michel Martelly became president of Haiti through fraudulent elections on May 4, 2011 and again February 7, 2016. During his mandate, nearly two thirds of PetroCaribe’s 4 billion dollar fund, set aside for social programs to improve the living conditions of Haitians, and in particular Haitian women, was squandered.
Through the support of the international community, notably Canada and the United States, Martelly’s government was the first in Haitian history to cede lands, rich in mineral resources, over to foreign multinationals, without having them pay any significant royalties. Those multinationals include Canadian and other companies linked to members of Hilary Clinton’s family. During Martelly’s mandate, Haiti’s debt began to explode. His presidency was marked by the squandering of public funds, political assassinations, drug trafficking, violence, and the impoverishment of the masses.