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March 7, 2013 - No. 30 - Supplement

Venezuelan People Show Their Mettle

Bolivarian Sea of Support for President Hugo Chávez

The funeral cortege for President Hugo Chávez passes under the national flag draped between the monoliths at the Paseo Los Próceres (Walk of Heroes) in Caracas, Venezuela, March 6, 2013, shortly before arriving at the Military Academy of Venezuela, where his body now lies in state.

On March 6, the people of Venezuela and many friends from other countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and the world accompanied the cortege which took the mortal remains of President Hugo Chávez from the Carlos Arvelo Military Hospital where he passed away on March 5 to the Grand Hall of the National Military Academy where he will lie in state until the funeral ceremony on Friday. All day, a massive sea of Bolivarian support filled the streets of Caracas and it continues today, as people pay their last respects.

So too in cities and towns around the world vigils were held and continue to accompany the Venezuelan people in their loss as they come to terms with the legacy of President Chávez. Messages of condolence and support poured in from all over the world from heads of state and government, political organizations and organizations and people covering all fields of endeavour and walks of life. Several countries showed their solidarity by declaring days of national mourning.

Millions of Venezuelans take to the streets to pay tribute to President Hugo Chávez, as his body is taken from the military hospital where he died to the National Military Academy to lie in state, March 6, 2013.

The procession in Caracas began at 10 am local time, and started off with the Venezuelan National Anthem.Venezuelan government officials, family, friends and members of the Presidential Honour Guard then led the procession for about an hour and a half following which others took their place for the 13 kilometre distance through city streets and squares to the Military Academy. They included President Evo Morales of Bolivia who took his place next to the Acting President Nicolas Maduro.

When the cortege arrived at the Military Academy, honour guards were mounted by government officials, the children of President Chávez, his mother and siblings, Presidents Cristina Kirchner of Argentina, José Mujica of Paraguay and Evo Morales of Bolivia, followed by other officials and comrades in arms. Since then, thousands upon thousands of Venezuelans joined by many people from abroad have been coming into the hall in two single files to pay their last respects.

On the afternoon of March 7, on behalf of the Government of Venezuela, Acting President Nicolas Maduro informed that due to the many people who are requesting to pay final respects to President Chávez, he would continue to lie in state for seven instead of three days. His remains will be taken to the mountain barracks from where he led a failed coup against the corrupt government of Carlos Andres Perez on February 4, 1992. Transportation to the barracks will be ensured for all those who wish to go, Maduro said. He also announced that by decision of the government in consultation with the family, Chávez will subsequently be embalmed and lie in state forever at a special mausoleum so that the Venezuelan people and peoples from all countries can continue to feel him at their side.

Maduro informed that the state funeral would proceed as planned, at 11 am on Friday March 8. Heads of state and government and official delegations would be attending from more than 50 countries, he said.

We Are All Chávez! is what the people say over and over, in many ways, as they pledge to defend the Bolivarian revolutionary process with their very lives, like President Chávez did, and herein lies their great strength as they unite in action to defend and further elaborate the Bolivarian revolutionary process. They are sure to turn their great sorrow into strength as they meet the challenges which lie ahead. With their discipline and unity in action, according to the plans of action they set for themselves, they are sure to  defend their revolutionary gains, especially their sovereignty and right to be. Most important is the people's right to be which is the battle they must fight for even harder now that President Chávez, who until now has guaranteed their freedom, has passed on the torch of the battle directly to them.

Left to right: President of Argentina Cristina Kirchner; President of Uruguay José Mujica;
President of Bolivia Evo Morales; First Lady of Uruguay, Senator Lucia Topolansky

Thousands cue outside the military academy to pay their respects.

International Actions Pay Tribute to President Chávez


Cuban President Rául Castro pays his respects at a memorial to President Chávez in Santiago de Cuba, March 7, 2013,
before travelling to Venezuela to attend the funeral on Friday.

Pictured above, Cuban government officials come to pay their respects to President Chávez at a memorial in Havana. Left to right: Miguel Diaz Canel, First Vice President of the Council of State; Vice President José Ramon Machado Ventura; President of the Parliament Esteban Lazo; and Vice President Ramiro Valdez. Cubans line up in Revolution Square in Havana to pay their respects.


President Evo Morales gives a speech honouring Hugo Chávez, shortly after hearing the news of his death, March 5, 2013.


President Rafael Correa pays tribute to Hugo Chávez, March 5, 2013.


President Daniel Ortega pays tribute to Hugo Chávez at a ceremony in Managua, March 6, 2013.

El Salvador

San Salvador, March 5, 2013


Mexico City, March 5, 2013

Honduras; Guatemala

Tegucigalpa; Guatemala City, March 5, 2013


Santiago, March 5, 2013

Bolivia; Peru

La Paz; Lima


Barcelona; Madrid


Paris, March 6, 2013


Ramallah, March 6, 2013

Belorussia; Russia

Minsk; Moscow, March 6, 2013



Vigil at the monument to Simon Bolivar, March 6, 2013.


Gathering at a local café, March 5, 2013.

A delegation from CPC(M-L) led by National Leader Anna Di Carlo visits the
Venezuelan Consulate to pay respects, March 7, 2013.


March 6, 2013

Vigils in the Coming Days

Homage to the Life and Work of Hugo Chávez
  Sunday, March 10 -- 12:00 noon-3:00 pm

CSN Offices, Salle A, 1601 De Lorimier
For poster, click here.
Organized by: Collective of groups in solidarity with Venezuela

Dr. John Kirk, Dr. Afua Cooper and Dr. Isaac Saney will be presenting short pieces regarding the loss of Venezuelan president Chávez. Hugo Chávez was a steadfast fighter for self-determination, social justice, independence and internationalism. His vision and politics went beyond the boundaries of Venezuela to encompass the struggle for dignity not only in Latin America and the Caribbean but for the entire world.

Sunday Mass in Honour of President Hugo Chávez
March 10 -- 12:30 pm
San Lorenzo Church, 2981 Dufferin Street
For information: venesolnet@gmail.com, www.venezuelasolidarity.ca, Facebook

Tribute to Chávez
Saturday, March 9 -- 7:00 pm
Alberta Avenue Community League Hall, 9210-118 Ave
Media contact: Rod Loyola, 780-293-8496, mvedmonton1@gmail.com

Organizations, networks, and members of the Latin American community are calling on the Edmonton community to attend this Mass/Tribute/Homage to President Hugo Chávez. It will be an opporutnity to express solidarity with the Venezuelan people and support for the Bolivarian Revolution. The event will also share with the media and local community the hard work, dedication and achievements of President Hugo Chávez and his government.

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