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October 25, 2012 - No. 134

In the Parliament

Harper Government Tables Second
Omnibus Budget Bill

In the Parliament
Harper Government Tables Second Omnibus Budget Bill - Enver Villamizar

For Your Information
Summary of Bill C-45 Jobs and Growth Act, 2012

Opposition to Canada’s War Government
End the "Long-standing Tradition" of Putting Canada In the Service of
Anglo-American War and Aggression!
- Windsor Peace Coalition
Activists Oppose Military Training in Port of Montreal
Anti-War Actions on 11th Anniversary of Invasion of Afghanistan

In the Parliament

Harper Government Tables Second
Omnibus Budget Bill

On October 18, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty tabled omnibus Bill C-45, the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012. It is the latest move by the Harper government to ram through significant changes to Canada's laws in order to finalize the establishment of the United States of North American Monopolies. It is again being done in a manner that deliberately keeps the public in the dark as to what is taking place so that the Harper government will not be called to account. The 430-page document amends 54 laws, changes the Canada Pension Plan and the Canada Labour Code and creates two new laws: one related to the destruction of the Canadian Wheat Board and the other to the planned bridge between Windsor and Detroit.

The incoherence of the Harper government is such that this new omnibus bill includes amendments to the previous omnibus budget bill, the Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act passed in June. This is in itself very revealing of the way the Harper government is operating as it would not permit any amendments of that omnibus legislation when it was in committee in the House of Commons, but now, four months later, it is amending it using more omnibus legislation.

Tabling the legislation, Flaherty repeated the Harper government's mantras: Canada is an island of stability in a world of instability; and everything the Harper government does to sell Canada out to the monopolies is required to maintain this stability. Flaherty stated: "With Canada achieving one of the strongest economic performances in the G-7 and over 820,000 net new jobs created since July 2009, our Government is on the right track for the Canadian economy and Canadian families. However, the global economy remains fragile, especially in Europe and the United States. That's why we remain focussed on supporting the economy with our pro-growth Economic Action Plan 2012."

A government release further states: "The proposed Jobs and Growth Act, 2012 will bolster Canada's economy and help improve communities across Canada with initiatives that build a strong economy and create jobs; support families and communities; promote clean energy and enhance neutrality of the tax system; and respect taxpayers' dollars."

That is that, according to Flaherty. No need to say anything else. His government says everything in the massive bill is good for everyone and everything: good for Canadians and their "communities" and good for the monopolies which don't give a damn about Canadians or their communities. This is the way in which the Harper government is trying to cover up that it will not permit any serious discussion of the direction all these reforms are taking Canada and anyone who dares to try to stop or even discuss them will be shut down or muzzled. This is the Harper government's notion of democracy expressed in the omnibus legislation. Everyone is supposed to simply accept Flaherty's claims on faith and have no opinion of their own based on their role in society and real life experience. This includes scientists who inform regulations, civil servants who are to ensure they make sense and Members of Parliament who are supposed to be able to study and debate legislation so that the political will of the government can be transformed into the legal will in a coherent manner so at the very least Canadians know the system they are living under.

To keep our readers informed about what the Harper government is up to in this session of Parliament, TML will provide information and analysis on significant aspects of the omnibus legislation in the coming weeks. In this issue we are providing a general overview of its contents, including the portion dealing with MPs' pensions which was carved out as a separate bill and swiftly passed by the House of Commons the day after the omnibus bill was tabled.

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For Your Information

Summary of Bill C-45 Jobs and Growth Act, 2012

Part 1: Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Related Regulations

Part 1 contains changes to Canada's income tax regime for individuals and companies. Of note, it introduces tax rules to accommodate the Harper government's scheme to establish Pooled Registered Pension Plans.

Part 2: Measures in Respect to Sales Tax

This section contains provisions related to the implementation of the Harmonized Sales Tax and the Goods and Services Tax (HST/GST) as they relate to the financial services sector. It amends the Excise Tax Act and the Jobs and Economic Growth Act in this regard. Measures include rules that allow certain financial institutions to obtain pre-approval from the Minister of National Revenue of methods used to determine their liability in respect to the provincial component of the HST, that require certain financial institutions to have fiscal years that are calendar years, that require group registration of financial institutions in certain cases and that provide for changes to a rebate of the provincial component of the HST to certain financial institutions that render services to clients that are outside the HST provinces. Part 2 also confirms the authority under which certain GST/HST regulations relating to financial institutions are made.

Part 3: Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act.

The Harper government's new arrangements for how equalization payments for the provinces will be calculated are contained in Part 3. It amends the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act giving powers to the Minister of Finance to allocate transfer payment amounts in the area of specified investment flowthrough (SIFT) entities and employee profit sharing plans. It also provides for the Minister of National Revenue to provide information to the Minister of Finance at a time and in a form requested by the Minister of Finance to implement transfer payments in the aforementioned areas.

Part 4: Various Measures

As was the case in the last omnibus budget bill, so too this omnibus bill contains a section with the dubious title Various Measures. Here the Harper government places any and all other changes it wants to make to the Canadian way of life. For example, Division 5 establishes a new law, the Bridge to Strengthen Trade Act, which is reportedly to guarantee that the private interests that will build and operate a new bridge and parkway between Windsor and Detroit have complete impunity. The opening statement of the Bridge to Strengthen Trade Act provides some sense of its content: "The Fisheries Act, the Navigable Waters Protection Act, the Species at Risk Act, section 6 of the International Bridges and Tunnels Act and the Port Authorities Operations Regulations do not apply to the construction of the bridge, parkway or any related work."

The "Various Measures" in Part 4 are presented in twenty-four divisions:
Division 1 - Financial Institutions
Division 2 - Shipping
Division 3 - Preserving the Stability and Strength of Canada's Financial Sector
Division 4 - Fisheries
Division 5 - Bridge to Strengthen Trade Act
Division 6 - Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act
Division 7 - Canada Pension Plan
Division 8 - Indian Act
Division 9 - Judges Act
Division 10 - Canada Labour Code
Division 11 - Merchant Seamen Compensation Act
Division 12 - Customs Act
Division 13 - Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
Division 14 - Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act
Division 15 - Employment Insurance Act
Division 16 - Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Division 17 - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act
Division 18 - Navigable Waters Protection Act
Division 19 - Canada Grain Act
Division 20 - International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Aircraft Equipment) Act
Division 21 - Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012
Division 22 - Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board
Division 23 - Public Sector Pensions
Division 24 - Canada Revenue Agency Act

Legislation Amended

The following pieces of legislation are amended by the omnibus bill:
- Income Tax Act (Pooled Registered Pension Plans)
- Excise Tax Act
- Jobs and Economic Growth Act
- Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act
- Trust And Loan Companies Act
- Bank Act
- Insurance Companies Act
- Canada Shipping Act, 2001
- Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act
- Payment Clearing and Settlement Act
- Fisheries Act
- Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act
- Canada Pension Plan
- Indian Act
- Judges Act
- Canada Labour Code
- Merchant Seamen Compensation Act
- Access to Information Act
- Privacy Act
- Customs Act
- Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
- Access to Information Act
- Financial Administration Act
- Public Sector Compensation Act
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act
- Deputy Heads of the Public Service of Canada Order Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act
- Related Amendment to the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act
- Employment Insurance Act
- Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board Act
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act
- Navigable Waters Protection Act
- Harbour Commissions Act
- National Energy Board Act
- Railway Safety Act
- Navigation Protection Act
- Canada Marine Act
- Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act
- Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act
- Highway 30 Completion Bridges Act
- Related Amendment to the Public Safety Act, 2002
- Canada Grain Act
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012
- Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act
- International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
- Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
- Winding-up and Restructuring Act
- Public Sector Pensions
- Canadian Forces Superannuation Act
- Consequential Amendment to the Special Retirement Arrangements Act
- Public Service Superannuation Act
- Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act
- Special Retirement Arrangements Act
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act
- Consequential Amendment to the Special Retirement Arrangements Act
- Canada Revenue Agency Act

New Legislation Created:

- Bridge To Strengthen Trade Act
- An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act and the Agriculture and Agri-food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act and to repeal the Grain Futures Act
Click here for a full copy of the legislation.

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Opposition to Canada’s War Government

End the "Long-standing Tradition" of Putting Canada
In the Service of Anglo-American War and Aggression!

It has been revealed that a number of Canadian troops are currently operating within and fully integrated with the armed forces of other countries engaged in combat in Afghanistan. The Harper government claims that this is not a violation of its position, and a motion passed by Canada's Parliament in 2008, that Canada would end its combat mission in 2011; rather, these are merely "exchange" programs and part of a "long-standing tradition" in Canada.

Queried in Parliament about why this was happening Defence Minister Peter MacKay replied: "Let us be clear. Combat operations in Afghanistan for Canadian soldiers have ended. We do in fact have a very small number as of October 15, less than a half dozen, who are taking part in a long-standing tradition, which is exchanges with countries such as Great Britain, Australia, United States - NATO allies. This is a long-standing international practice in which Canadian Forces benefit from professional development."

It is true that the practice of having Canadian troops integrated into other militaries, taking part in wars of aggression, especially under U.S. command, has been going on for some time. And this is precisely the problem; it involves Canada in crimes which Canadians do not support.

For example, Canada's outgoing Chief of the Defence Staff, Walter Natynczyk took on the role of Deputy Commanding General of 35,000 U.S.-led "coalition" forces in Iraq during the U.S.-led occupation in 2004 and 2005. The Harper government later awarded him the Meritorious Service Cross, specifically in recognition of his combat efforts in Iraq - a war that Canada supposedly did not take part in. Even more concerning is that "exchanges" of this type are just what is openly admitted to by the Canadian government. How much more is it doing behind Canadians' backs and keeping secret as a matter of policy?

Responding to questions from the media on the "exchanges" in Afghanistan, a Department of National Defence spokesperson wrote that Canadian Forces members "serving as fully integrated members of foreign forces in exchange positions are permitted to be in Kandahar province and to serve in combat roles, as their host units direct them" and that each case is evaluated individually "to ensure the mission is in keeping with Canadian values, directions and policies."

Clearly this is the kind of "Canadian values" the Harper government stands for: sending Canadian troops to fight as part of other countries' armed forces in wars it claims Canada is no longer involved in, to get around the will of Parliament. It also shows Canadians can put no confidence in the government's claims that Canada's role in Afghanistan is now, or will be in the future, just one of "training".

The Windsor Peace Coalition opposes the pro-war Harper government and its disinformation about what constitutes Canadian values. This is a government hell-bent on dragging Canadians into a new war of conquest for re-division of the world as part of the U.S. imperialist war machine - something Canadians do not support. Canada should get out of NATO and all other agreements and arrangements that function as means to put Canada and its military at the service of the U.S. project for world domination.

All Troops Out of Afghanistan Now!
Get Canada Out of NATO!

Windsor Peace Coalition
Invest in Our Communities, Not in War!
Canada Out of Afghanistan Now!
Canada Out of NATO!
Anti-war picket every Saturday 11 am. to 12 noon - Ottawa Street across from Market Square

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Activists Oppose Military Training in Port of Montreal

From October 19 to 21 some 230 soldiers and officers of the 34th Brigade-Group of Canada (34 GBC) assembled in the port of Montreal for a military tactical training exercise. This included practicing urban warfare techniques in the Port of Montreal.

The military's statement said, "During the weekend, troops will practice platoon attacks in restricted areas in the Old Port of Montreal. The soldiers will travel on foot and using boats to simulate tactical operations in a fictitious port setting. They will use military troop transports, minor pyrotechnics and blank ammunition."

The exercise is organized with the approval of Port authorities, the Montreal Firefighters training centre and the City of Montreal. In this way the city's infrastructure will be lent to assist the army in its military exercises. Military vehicles will travel from units on the island of Montreal to the Old Port. To justify the event, the statement added that no impact on the environment or local traffic is expected and that the training will be in an isolated location in the port.

The issue is that these activities are part of the militarization of public spaces, to make the public accustomed to the presence of the army and its vehicles in public places, to present these activities as a tourist attraction. Hundreds of people travel through the Old Port on the weekends. The military exercises took place on the weekend of the Grey Cup tour  in the Old Port, which attracted hundreds of people. One could ask why the City of Montreal would collaborate and accept that its infrastructure be used for war exercises.

This is the third time in less than three months that the Canadian Forces activities have taken place in the port of Montreal for military and pro-war purposes. In August, Canadian and U.S. navy ships toured Canadian ports including Montreal's port. From August 31 to September 3, a Montreal military cultural festival called "An Army of Culture" was held in the Montreal port and was strongly opposed by the public, and now this military exercise.

The 34 GBC is a formation of Land Force Quebec Area (LFQA). It is made up of 14 units, eight of which are located on the Island of Montreal, comprised of armoured, artillery, engineering and infantry units. The Quebec Area Land Force Combat's motto is "Fight, Win or Die." In the context of the increasing integration of the Canadian Forces into the U.S. war machine, its role is primarily to ensure the monitoring and control of the territory, territorial waters and airspace of Canada and serve Canada's obligations to NATO. The 34th Brigade Group has also been used for operations Palladium Roto XIV (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Athena (in Afghanistan) and Halo (in Haiti).

Montrealers are opposed to military activities in public places and firmly oppose the Harper government's pro-war activities to serve the U.S. war machine worldwide. It is clear that they want to impose this way of doing things and that the population has nothing to say.

These activities are taking place in the context of Canada's increased integration with the U.S. through its economy, its human and material resources and the disruption of diplomatic relations (as with Iran) to serve U.S. aggression. The Harper government claims that economic difficulties are forcing it to reduce government spending on services that Canadians and Quebecers need, while gives tens of billions of dollars to monopolies involved in war production for projects to establish an integrated military system under the command of U.S. imperialism.

We must not only denounce the war government of Stephen Harper and all its training exercises and combat exercises which prepare Canadian troops to serve in war and aggression, but also demand an anti-war government that rejects war, threats, aggression and occupation as factors for peace.

Oppose the Militarization of Our Public Spaces!
No Military Practices in the Port of Montreal!

(Translated from original French by TML.)

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Anti-War Actions on 11th Anniversary
of Invasion of Afghanistan

At least eight cities across the country marked the 11th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan on the weekend of October 6 -- Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Vancouver. The actions denounced the Government of Canada for its involvement in the illegal invasion and occupation from 2001 to the present as well as preparations for future aggression against other countries.

Demonstrators in Montreal brought out the fact that the need to end Canada's participation in the NATO occupation is still very real. On September 28, 800 service personnel shipped out from CFB Valcartier to Afghanistan, allegedly to train Afghan soldiers and police. Such training comes in the context of a foreign invasion and NATO's attempts to divide the Afghan people into those who impose arrangements suitable to foreign powers and those who will never submit.

In Vancouver, activists pointed out that far from the war in Afghanistan winding down, imperialist aggression in the region is spreading to Pakistan, including U.S. drone attacks that have killed more than 2,000 people since U.S. President Barack Obama took office.

All the actions denounced Canada's sanctions and breaking of diplomatic relations with Iran as part of war preparations and vociferously expressed that Canada must not be part of any military invention against it and that the U.S. and others must not start a war with Iran. Similarly, the actions also denounced aggressive measures and calls for military intervention in Syria.

The actions brought forward the desire of Canadians from coast to coast that Canada be a force for peace in the world and the need for new political arrangements so that an anti-war government which upholds international peace and the sovereign equality of all nations, and uses its natural and human resources for the public good, not destruction to serve narrow private interests, can be brought into being.






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