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September 6, 2012 - No. 110

Quebec Election Results

Democratic Institutions in Need of Renewal

Quebec Election Results
Workers Must Oppose the Degeneration into Anarchy and Violence
The Brutality of the Anachronistic Democratic System
The People Are Assigned the Role of Spectators All Over Again
An Electoral Coup Once Again
The Fidelity of the Youth to Their Decision Made the Difference
Congratulations to PMLQ Candidates and Supporters!

Canadian and U.S. Warships Tour Canadian Ports
Montrealers Oppose Canada's Integration into U.S. War Machine
Oppose the Harper Government's Promotion of War and Aggression! - Statement of the Windsor Peace Coalition
Halifax Weekly Anti-War Picket

Democratic Institutions in Need of Renewal

Workers Must Oppose the Degeneration into
Anarchy and Violence

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) condemns the assassination attempt made against the new Premier of Quebec Pauline Marois on election night and the threat it poses to the Parti Québécois (PQ) and the Quebec polity.

The PMLQ blames the chauvinist sectarian politics of the representatives of the Anglo-Canadian state and their media. They are the ones who create the perpetual climate of civil war in Quebec. In this climate, the shooter whether deranged or not, found fertile ground to carry out his desperate act. The aim is to incite maximum sectarian hatred over the Quebec issue to make sure people cannot think and cannot take control of their sovereign decision-making power. Whether they constitute an independent country or renew the federal-provincial relations is a completely separate issue. As concerns federal-provincial relations, all provinces are trying to renew their relations with the federal Canadian state; there is nothing strange about that. It is no reason to incite a civil war.

Far from permitting this climate of civil war, the PMLQ will do everything possible to ensure that the results of this election are well understood by workers and youth and all the social forces that seek to achieve their vision of society. How to hold the government responsible is now on the agenda for all social forces. It must carry out the will of the people who demand that the rights of all be provided with a guarantee.

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The Brutality of the Anachronistic Democratic System

The brutality of the chaos that the anachronistic democratic system imposes on the polity is such that the people themselves did not even have time to reflect on the election results before an assassination attempt against the new Quebec Premier Pauline Marois, leader of the new Parti Québécois government, changed everything. The man, whether deranged or not, was clearly swept up in the atmosphere of civil war incited by private interests linked to the anachronistic institutions of the Anglo-Canadian state. He became the emissary of the death threat -- a declaration that the future will be one of instability and civil war; that this is what the Quebec people can expect if they or the PQ dare to do things that deviate from the neo-liberal line of march and the kind of federal-provincial relations the international financial oligarchy dictates.

With this, any serious reflection on the election results is to be quickly forgotten. The tragic event which led to the death of one person and the serious injury of another is decontextualized. It is turned into a lament about unspecified dangers about which we can do nothing. It could have been worse, the pundits say, as in the case of the Polytechnique massacre that left 14 victims 13 years ago.

The PQ now forms the government, but it faces a complex situation where the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) thinks it can dictate what this party can and cannot do. It immediately expressed its condolences to the families of the victims. It issued a call for calm in the National Assembly and expressed its desire for cooperation and civility. It was joined by the other parties which in turn expressed an open or reluctant desire to cooperate as the case may be. All in all, an eerie climate is created where everything is now "business as usual." The people are supposed to do nothing but live with the consequences and carry on.

Certainly the new Quebec Premier is not lacking in courage and it comes as no surprise that she faced the challenge before her without faltering. This does not, however, mean that it is business as usual. The message is crystal clear: do not cross the line because this is what will happen to you if you do. It is unacceptable! It must not pass!

With anarchy comes violence. Anarchy gains ground when private interests fight for control of the state and put everything at their disposal. The fact that they can do so with impunity and resort to violence against each other and the people to get their way indicates that the civil society based on the vision of a common good and the state arrangements which provided it are finished. Once anarchy reigns, we are already in a civil war situation, one against all and all against one. The factions of the ruling class have taken control of the sovereign decision-making power by using the royal prerogative, also referred to as Henry VIII clauses. This has already permitted the likes of Jean Charest and Stephen Harper to do many things against everyone and everything. This civil war is waged using legislation which outlaws resistance and criminalizes any organization that fights for the rights of its members. It uses defamation, mass arrests, threats, assassination attempts, actual assassinations, bombings and more. There is nothing "civil" about the current situation. The way Charest dealt with the students and now the threat to Pauline Marois and the PQ provide the proof.

According to Madame Marois' resumé, her strength is her ability to compromise. Her way of doing things is to resolve disputes to promote a peaceful coexistence we are told. But in whose favour are these disputes resolved? And what are the disputes? Are they disputes over differing visions of society, that of the people and that of the rich, in order to resolve the crisis in favour of the people, so as to find a new equilibrium that favours the people? Or are they disputes between factions vying for control of the state on behalf of private interests? How does preserving the peace between private factions serve the public interest? Why speak in the name of the public interest if it is to defend private interests? Is it to mislead and disinform the people? We must be clear on this.

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The People Are Assigned the Role of Spectators
All Over Again

The September 4 election results place the responsibility on the workers to not permit the cartel party system to take over the National Assembly and play havoc with their lives. More than ever, the people are facing the historic necessity to hold their own discussions on what is happening on the basis of their own thinking and their own interests. There is no question of accepting the neo-liberal ideological offensive pushed by private interests which are not their own. The workers must define their own interests within the complicated here and now and take decisions based on warranted conclusions.

First, it is clear that today, as a result of the electoral coup that brought a minority Parti Quebecois (PQ) government to power with the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) as "the voice of reason," all the political parties in the National Assembly speak in the name of the people, of the common good and social order. It could not be otherwise since what was at stake in this election was precisely the vision and demand of the people for a society which upholds public right.

The new Premier Pauline Marois has assured the electorate from the get-go that the main demands put forward by the people in this election will not be compromised as she can simply issue ministerial decrees. She will cancel the tuition fee increase which it is said will de facto make Law 12 (the Special Law -- formerly Bill 78) redundant.

Under the circumstances this may well bring about a temporary much needed truce in this matter but the workers and students should beware of a system whose only option is to act through ministerial decrees.

What does such a system do to the people and their decision-making power? Jean Charest and Stephen Harper and others at the provincial level across Canada have resorted to ruling by decree to serve private interests and we are very much opposed to that. We fought against the decrees of Charest and Harper. However, this time we are told it will be done in our interest so our role is merely to applaud. Not only must we applaud the decision but we must accept its corollary -- that, in return, we must accept that other things cannot be done because the CAQ will not agree. We must keep quiet so as not to rock the boat.

Nobody consulted us about this or about what it is we must do and why, but we are to accept it is the way it is and nothing can be done. Can such a method as ruling by decree be used to serve public interests? What does it mean?

There is certainly a need for the workers to discuss to make sure they protect their interests on the basis of upholding public right. Already their role as spectators once again has been decreed and nobody noticed. They will need to actively participate in discussing the affairs which concern the polity as the new parliamentary in-fighting gets underway at the people's expense.

Finally, we must appreciate the essence of the arrangement of rule by decree. It puts the responsibility for social order squarely in the people's court. It is constitutional, the people are told. Therefore, if the people object to the state of affairs, they will be the ones to blame for any social unrest that results. This is what was done to the students. In fact the social unrest exists because of the neo-liberal refusal to renew the democratic institutions so that the sovereign decision-making power rests in the hands of the people, not the rich and their political representatives. Just like the students were blamed for the social chaos because they resisted Jean Charest's decision to further privatize education by increasing student debt, so now the attempt will be made to blame the workers and people if they resist the anti-social offensive which will continue as a result of the cartel party system. The representatives of the ruling elite call for a social consensus but there is no such thing in a society divided into classes with clashing interests and social visions.

The National Assembly ruled by the cartel party system works to keep the parties in power. So long as it is not the people who decide and who are in power, the different factions in the National Assembly will expend all their energies to maintain social order amongst themselves and keep the people suppressed so that they play no role in taking the decisions which affect their lives. This means threats and reprisals against one another and against the people.

This creates a difficult situation for the workers, women and youth to the extent that it prevents them from seeing clearly what is happening under their noses. We must be vigilant. We must continue to develop the independent politics of the working class so as to occupy the space for change. This space exists objectively. The people vie to occupy it and make sure it is not occupied by the private interests which have taken over the public authority for their self-serving aims.

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An Electoral Coup Once Again

In this election, powerful interests linked to the Anglo-Canadian state succeeded in carrying out an electoral coup which promoted the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) and put it at their disposal in Quebec. They hoped to have the CAQ as the Official Opposition should the Liberals have been wiped out. Instead, the CAQ came in third, which is a result more positive for the interests of the reactionary forces than they could have hoped for. The CAQ has enough seats to get official party status and hold the balance of power. In this way, the collapse of the Quebec Liberal Party was averted. This is a great relief for the Liberal Party of Canada which erroneously thinks that so long as it has not lost a foothold in Quebec, it still has a lease on life. Meanwhile, the Canadian establishment thinks this is a positive development should it need to use the Liberal Party in Quebec to hold Mulcair's NDP in check Canada-wide.

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The Fidelity of the Youth to Their Decision
Made the Difference

Students and others opposed to the Charest government's anti-social offensive in the streets of Sherbrooke
the day the former Premier launched the Liberals' election campaign, July 31, 2012.

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) expresses heartfelt congratulations to the youth and students who promised to make the difference in this election and did so.

We are convinced that this difference can be seen in the voter turnout as well as in Jean Charest's defeat in his own riding. On election night Charest spoke as if he had won something. He was the portrait of denial as if his defeat did not really take place, let alone that it was thanks to the diligent and arduous work carried out by the teams of students. Thanks to their conviction, their conscious effort to accomplish something tangible, they achieved their aim. Bravo!

The other political formation that the PMLQ thinks merits Quebeckers' respect when it comes to the role played by the youth is the party created by the new generation, the Option Nationale and its leader, Jean-Martin Aussant. Their experience in this election will be very important for the future of Quebec. Aside from all the experience gained in the work of organizing an election, they have learned the cruel lesson of what it means to be marginalized by the so-called democratic system. This will serve them in their fight to abolish electoral arrangements based on power and privilege that permit such shameful discrimination. Imagine the results if the media had given Mr. Aussant the same privileges as it gave to Ms. David of Quebec Solidaire. He too might well have been elected. But obviously this is pure speculation since the privilege-based system blocked the people from receiving the kind of information they required to make an informed choice. The system defines the choices, puts them in an alleged order of preference and then tells the people to choose! What a fraud!

We are certain that Option Nationale will continue to build itself and organize to achieve the vision of Quebec the youth espouse. Congratulations to the youth who joined Option Nationale to take their future in hand and make the difference! It can be done! It must be done!

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Congratulations to PMLQ Candidates and Supporters!

As always, we express our warmest congratulations to the candidates and supporters of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ). We work within great difficulties, to be sure, but that is nothing new! The fact is we play an important role, especially with regard to analyzing what is happening and identifying the space for change that the workers and other sections of the people can occupy. That the election resulted in a minority government, not a majority, does not change the need for the workers to develop their independent politics on the basis that they, not the rich, must occupy the space for change. The election of a minority government makes it all the more urgent for the workers to organize themselves politically to make sure they are not caught by surprise by the unfolding events. They must be able to control the decisions that affect their lives and the future of society.

In our opinion, the usurpation of state power by private interests and the depoliticization of the body politic are the main dangers at this time. The role the PMLQ can play, the contribution that all those who are part of its ranks can make, is to analyze the election results so that we can contribute to the best of our ability to make sure no one falls into the many traps which lie ahead.

A big thank you to all the PMLQ candidates and supporters. Participation in this election shows there is money for votes, there is money for disinformation, but the fidelity to one's decisions and courage of one's convictions are priceless!

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Canadian and U.S. Warships Tour Canadian Ports

Montrealers Oppose Canada's Integration
into U.S. War Machine 

Montrealers vigorously opposed the Montreal Military Culture Festival (MMCF) called "An Army of Culture" held from August 31 to September 3 at the Port of Montreal. This pro-war festival was directly financed by the Canadian government including the Ministry of Defence, the Canadian Forces, Veterans Affairs and others. The festival's brochure said the MMCF "seeks to increase the general public's awareness of the military's contribution to the culture of Montreal, past, present and future. It also aims to remind people of the different historical events for which Canadians in the military played an important role." Further on the brochure said, "Few opportunities exist in the city to recognize this heritage and the sacrifices which our soldiers have made and continue to make for us to enjoy this way of life."

Activists carried a large banner which read, "Culture my eye. The army serves to kill!" Several actions took place throughout the event to denounce the promotion of military culture, including the presence of the Women in Black, a public "die-in," white flags, a children's art session, a large-scale projection of anti-war images and distribution of anti-war leaflets. The group Artists for Peace and other artists denounced the vulgarization of the word culture and its association with war, killing and politics of aggression against the world's peoples. Échec à la guerre issued a statement calling for a boycott of the festival and denounced, among other things, the fact that while the government makes cuts to cultural programs, it diverts public funds to support the aims and plans of the U.S. war machine around the world.

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ), the Campaign Opposing Military Recruitment and Échec à la guerre held a joint action in front of the gates of the Old Port. They had a large banner that read "No to the Militarization of Public Spaces, No Propaganda for Wars of Aggression and Occupation." Other signs read, "No to Stephen Harper's War Culture," "Not a Single Youth for Imperialist War," "Canada Out of NATO." Activists distributed hundreds of flyers and many people stopped to talk. The presence of the activists created quite an atmosphere where instead of promoting military culture, questions were raised as to why military culture is being promoted and for what purpose.

Dozens of people warmly thanked the activists for the action, wishing them well. A young security guard shook hands with activists one by one, pleased with the action. Even soldiers came to say they opposed the foreign missions aimed at aggression against the peoples. Attempts by some security guards to intimidate the activists and stop the action did not succeed.

Other activists set themselves up on one of the Bonsecours Basin islands where the festival was also taking place where they unfurled a banner that read, "Military Propaganda in Service of Imperialist War." Several security guards made aggressive attempts to make them leave, but they held their ground.

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Oppose the Harper Government's Promotion of
War and Aggression!

Windsor Anti-War Picket

Saturday, September 8 -- 11:00 am
Dieppe Park

From September 5th-10th the Royal Canadian Navy frigate Ville de Quebec will be docked at Dieppe Park in Windsor. The warship is touring the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes along with two U.S. warships, promoting the close alliance between the two countries' naval forces.

Although the government promotes the Navy's role in terms of defending Canada and engaging in humanitarian actions, in fact Canada's Navy is more and more being used to attack and threaten other countries. Last year two Canadian warships took turns working in conjunction with a U.S. carrier battle group off the coast of Libya as part of the U.S./NATO aggression against that country. More recently they have been prowling the waters of the Arabian Sea as part of a U.S.-led flotilla.

The USS Hurricane, one of the ships on tour with the Ville de Quebec is the type that provides "full mission support" for U.S. Navy SEALs and other special forces that travel the world carrying out assassinations and "black ops" for the U.S. government.

Promoting the tour, Canada's Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay said: "This year we will also commemorate the War of 1812 and celebrate 200 years of peace and prosperity between our nation and our closest ally, the United States of America. The events of that historic conflict so long ago serve to remind us all that the link between sea power and our nation's security and prosperity is as relevant today as ever before."

Windsorites should ask why the Harper government is trying to associate Canada's warships operating alongside U.S. warships, often under U.S. command, with "our nation's security and prosperity." Prosperity for whom? This is the same government that is taking billions from Canadians' social programs, including their pensions and Employment Insurance, to hand over to military contractors to build warships and fighter planes for aggression abroad.

As for the War of 1812, ... the Harper government is using this historic war to cover up the aggressive and expansionist nature of U.S. imperialism today, and suggest that Canadians are somehow eager to join its wars against peoples of other lands -- something Canadians do not support.

The Windsor Peace Coalition calls on everyone to oppose this attempt to twist what Canadians consider to be their values into support and recruitment for criminal wars of aggression.

Join our anti-war picket this Saturday, September 8 at Dieppe Park at 11 am or any Saturday at the same time on Ottawa Street across from Market Square.

For information contact windsorpeace@hotmail.com.

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Halifax Weekly Anti-War Picket

Fridays -- 4:30-5:30 pm
Corner of Spring Garden Rd. and Barrington St.
Followed by discussion 5:30-6:30 pm at Paperchase, 5228 Blowers St.

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