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February 16, 2009 - No. 34

Venezuelan Constitutional Amendment Approved

Decision of Historic Significance

Venezuelan Constitutional Amendment Approved
Decision of Historic Significance
Venezuelans Vote Peacefully over Whether to Amend Constitution - James Suggett and Tamara Pearson, Venezuelanalysis.com
Media's Double Standards - Steve Rendall and Isabel Macdonald, Common Dreams

ACA Co-Operative Workers "Rally for Fairness"; Fraud Looming on the Horizon - Ena Boutilier
Globe and Mail's Labour Cost Obsession - K.C. Adams 

Venezuelan Constitutional Amendment Approved

Decision of Historic Significance

Caracas, Venezuela, February 15, 2009

TML congratulates Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and the Venezuelan people for winning the February 15 referendum vote to eliminate the two-term limit on all elected offices!

At 9:35 pm local time, three and a half hours after polls closed and with 94.2 percent of votes counted, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) announced that Venezuelans had voted 54.4 percent to 45.6 percent in favour of a constitutional amendment to eliminate the two-term limit on all elected offices.

Chávez supporters celebrated the nearly 9-point margin of victory with enthusiasm, as it will allow President Hugo Chávez to run for a third full term in 2012.

According to the National Electoral Commission (CNE), abstention was relatively low at 33 percent, with about 11 out 16 million registered voters voting. This is about two million more votes than in 2007 for the failed constitutional reform referendum that would have altered 69 articles of Venezuela's constitution.

The elimination of the term limits permits Chávez to govern for longer than the four years remaining in his term, which is crucial to consolidate the Bolivarian revolutionary process he has initiated in Venezuela. At a rally in Caracas two days before the vote, Chávez said that a "yes" victory in the referendum would signify that another barrier had been knocked down. Our revolution is a great force that advances by overcoming obstacles, he said. He predicted that the "yes" option would win by a "knockout" and called on the people of Venezuela to be ready "to open new horizons after we approve the constitutional amendment." He added that the great victory on Sunday would be part of the commemoration for 20 years since the February 27, 1989 uprising when the Venezuelan people made headway in taking control of their country.

Chávez recalled that in December 1999 the Pacto de Punto Fijo -- an accord between the Venezuelan political parties Democratic Action (AD), COPEI and Democratic Republican Union (URD) -- was ended and a popular government elected. Over the last ten years he said the people have made advances by removing social, cultural and psychological barriers and established a new international profile for the country. He said that the revolution is a great popular force that is more conscious every day, more united every day, with a greater capacity to move forward with the advances of a sovereign and free people.

Clearly, the decisive "yes" victory on Sunday makes it possible for the Venezuelan people to continue opening their path to progress as a sovereign people who control their own destiny. It gives expression to the hope of all oppressed peoples that change is possible and that a people united around a progressive revolutionary project and a progressive revolutionary leadership, can make history.

Long Live the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela!

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Venezuelans Vote Peacefully over
Whether to Amend Constitution

Since the trumpets and fireworks woke up Venezuelans at three o'clock this morning to vote in a national referendum on whether to amend the constitution to abolish the two-term limit on all elected offices, the electoral process has been tranquil, democratic, and efficient in nearly every region of Venezuela, with few irregularities reported.

On December 1 President Hugo Chavez called on his party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to campaign for the constitutional change, at first just proposing that the limit be withdrawn from the position of president. In January the national assembly approved the change, adding that it be applied to all elected positions, and then put it to a general referendum.

According to the National Electoral Council (CNE), all voting centers were open by 9am. Voting centers are meant to be open at 5.30am, and must stay open until 6pm or later if there still are people waiting in line.

Chief of the military's Strategic Command Operation for the elections, Jesus Gonzalez, said that voting had begun with "complete normality, except for a few exceptions." He said one person had been detained for breaking one of the voting machines.

In the capital city of Caracas, people with purple indelible ink-dyed fingertips, signaling that they had voted in the early morning, walked their dogs, read books in the park, played happily with their children, and listened in groups to reggaeton or salsa music.

When inquired about their feelings about the referendum, most Venezuelans said the voting machines were quick and easy, and they encouraged their fellow citizens to exercise their democratic rights.

"This is our duty to the country, to come out and vote. It is our life, our country, our process," said one woman in the La Pastora neighborhood. A man waiting in a short line nearby commented, "Everyone should come and fulfill their duty to the country, independent of their political position, come vote and combat abstention."

Observers reported that there were very few long lines with fifty or more voters, while notably short voting lines were very prevalent in the capital city as well as other major cities, including Mérida, San Cristobal, Maracaibo, and Maracay. Government officials said this is because Venezuelans are only voting on a single, yes-or-no question.

People in the street, in both upper class neighborhoods as well as low-income barrios, told Venezuelanalysis they expect most people to vote in the late afternoon, perhaps because they had been up late celebrating Valentine's Day last night.

The National Guard and other security officers maintained a well-marked security perimeter around voting centers, and treated voters and observers with utmost courtesy, using neutral language and displaying knowledge of the electoral norms laid down by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

In Mérida a truck playing the reveille bugle call traveled around the city from 3am until about 7am, to wake up voters and voting booth attendees.

In one voting center in a small primary school in Belen, a small line had formed by 6.30 am, while at a larger center in the city center, Libertador High School, there were long lines of 10-15 people per voting room (with 12 voting rooms in the school, assigned according to identification number). By afternoon there were few people in the lines.

The voting process was identical to that of the regional elections in November last year. The National Guard arrived at 4am, and was responsible for managing the lines at the various stages and checking ID's before people went inside.

Inside, people formed new lines, sitting down patiently. From there 3 or 4 people lined up outside their voting room until they were let in. They showed their identification at a table, put their fingerprints next to their name, were asked if they knew how to vote, then went behind a cardboard screen to the computer, where they marked their vote on a touch screen. The computer printed out a hard copy of their vote, which they placed in a ballot box. Finally, they dipped their small finger in indelible ink.

The head of each voting room asked the voter, "Do you know how to vote?" and "You have two options, choose one."

All voting center workers were patient, helpful, did not rush voters, and used very neutral language when giving instructions. Likewise, voters were calm, cheerful, keen, and disciplined.

"Yes, its all going well, I hope everyone comes out to vote to decide for our country," said Quina Quintero, from Merida.

"I voted 'No', it was quick, much quicker than last time," said Oliverio Picon.

"It's fabulous, great, very fast, very good. Yes it's important that everyone vote, the whole thing is totally democratic," said Eliana Molina.

This referendum is the second ever totally automated national election in Venezuela, out of a total of 13 electoral cycles the country has undergone since Chavez was elected ten years ago.

In contrast to previous elections, this voting day has been marked by relatively few acts of politically motivated violence. The only major incident of violence was a burglary and vandalism of the social work school at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas early this morning. Burglars identifying themselves as members of the opposition group Bandera Roja broke windows, set fire to paperwork, broke furniture, and spray painted "No means No," an anti-amendment slogan, on the walls.

Eleven people have been detained in the state of Tachira, for public disorder near a voting center. They will receive warnings.

Opposition observers have made one public complaint, as the pro-Chavez governor of Anzoategui, Tarek Saab voted a second time after his first vote was nullified.

Early in the morning, voters in a few voting centers had reported that the machine had registered a null vote, signaled by a blank voting receipt, when they had intended to vote yes or no on the amendment. Promptly, CNE President Tibisay Lucena announced on national television that voters should be sure a check mark appears to the left of their choice before pressing the vote button on the machine.

There are 16,767,511 registered voters, 11,422 voting centers in addition to 126 voting centers in overseas embassies and consulates.

(James Suggett reporting from Caracas and Tamara Pearson reporting from Mérida.)

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Media's Double Standards

With Sunday's Venezuelan referendum on term limits, we can expect to hear a lot about Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez's "plan to become president for life" and its reflection on "Venezuela's battered democracy" -- as the New York Times editors put it[1] around the time of Venezuela's last (failed) term limits referendum.

But when Colombian President Álvaro Uribe's efforts to lift term limits succeeded in 2005, the U.S. media took little notice, and Uribe's reputation as the U.S.'s favorite 'democrat' in the region remained intact.

In Colombia, the lifting of term limits was a big story, in good part because the Colombian courts have sentenced the congress member who cast the deciding vote on the amendment to almost four years in prison for taking bribes from Uribe aides (he knew nothing, of course) in exchange for her vote. And though Uribe supporters are collecting signatures to get him on the ballot for 2010 elections, the bribery affair has caused Colombian courts to raise questions about Uribe's eligibility.

Yet Uribe's scandal-ridden term limits law was treated as far less newsworthy by U.S. editors than the Venezuelan government's moves to put the question of term limits to the popular ballot. A search of "Álvaro Uribe and "term limits" in the Nexis database of U.S. newspapers and wires turns up 60 articles, in contrast to 1003 articles about Chávez and term limits. A spot check reveals that even the articles mentioning Uribe and "term limits" were often about Chávez's efforts to lift term limits, not Uribe's.

Similarly, 286 articles mentioned both Chávez and "president for life," while only 29 articles mention Uribe and that epithet -- but virtually all of those 29 were again referring to Chávez's perceived power grabs, not Uribe's. (One Associated Press story[2] did compare Uribe to Chávez, but didn't quite apply the term to Uribe: "The wonkish, diminutive but tirelessly tenacious politician [Uribe], who turned 56 on Friday, has been cagey on that score. Those who oppose the idea [of Uribe running again] say it would put him in league with his continental rival, Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, who has been widely branded autocratic for doing his utmost to try to stay president for life.")

This discrepancy reinforces the findings of a recent Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) study[3], "Human Rights Coverage Serving Washington's Needs," which found that editors at major U.S. papers portray Colombia as a safer haven for human rights and democracy than Venezuela, despite Colombia's vastly more dismal record.

It would seem the role of U.S. reporting and opinion on Venezuela (and Colombia) is less about informing the public about real threats to democracy and human rights in Latin America than it is about serving as a propaganda arm of U.S. foreign policy. One would be wise to remember this when reading about Venezuela's referendum this weekend.


1. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/01/opinion/01sat2.html
2. http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080706/NEWS04/807060434/0/APS
3. http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3699

* Steve Rendall is FAIR's senior analyst and the co-author of FAIR's February 2009 study, "Human Rights Coverage Serving Washington's Needs: FAIR finds editors downplaying Colombia's abuses, amplifying Venezuela's." Isabel Macdonald is the communications director at FAIR (www.fair.org).

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ACA Co-Operative Workers "Rally for Fairness";
Fraud Looming on the Horizon

After Kentville, Nova Scotia's ACA Co-Operative announced the termination of over 300 jobs at its poultry processing facilities, affected workers have come out in full force. On Sunday February 8, more than 200 people flooded the small town's Central Square courtyard for a "Rally for Fairness" to press the workers' just demands and to show solidarity with ACA workers.

On January 22, ACA Co-operative Ltd. cut 300 jobs at two of its Kings County poultry processing facilities, both located in the Annapolis Valley, one of which is closing permanently. The cuts included the layoffs of 75 union employees at ACA in New Minas and the permanent loss of 40 non-union ACA and Eastern Protein Foods employees and 187 Eastern Protein union positions. Eastern Protein, a subsidiary of ACA located in Kentville, is being closed permanently. ACA Co-operative Ltd. is reportedly a business co-operative owned by 57 poultry producers.

The company is refusing to release the vacation and severance pay owed to the workers, and in doing so has retreated under the time-tested umbrella of "creditor protection" at its Eastern Protein plant. The company was given a $3.5 million capital loan by the province of Nova Scotia last fall, $2 million of which has already been advanced. Workers have been demanding for over a week that the Kings County municipality lobby the provincial government to withhold the remaining $1.5 million of that loan and put it in a trust fund until Eastern Protein's "creditor protection period" expires.

Workers are explicitly placed at the bottom of the company's priority list as part of the so-called creditor protection program. Some are owed as much as $6,000. "I'm told the company has a list of 57 creditors and the workers are No. 56 on the list," said Tim Brown, president of Local 2216 of the Canadian Auto Workers, which represents the workers.

Brown then summed up the matter correctly and succinctly: "We think we should be No. 1 on the list." The workers are also implying that the company's actual insolvency is suspect and openly stated that whatever cash flow problems it has being having are the fruit of bad management.

As of January 22, ACA Co-operative had 30 days of creditor protection for Eastern Protein. The plant would still be operating for a few days after the protection period ended and management is asking for a 45-day extension to the protection period so they can come up with a proposal for secured and unsecured creditors. It is further threatening that the "unreasonable" disbursement of the $1.5 million to the laid off workers will adversely affect the livelihood of the remaining 350 workers who should put their faith in management "to make the situation as good as possible." The union is charging that a secret agenda exists to transfer all debt of the remaining plants onto the books of the Eastern Protein plant which is being closed down.

Under provincial legislation the maximum payout allowed to workers is $3,250, and only after bankruptcy is declared. By all rights, and despite the dictates of Canada's capital-centred laws, the number one creditor of ACA and Eastern Protein are the workers, without whom the pockets of their bosses would swell to nought. Instead banks are at the top.

The Kentville situation brings commercial law which enshrines the right of monopolies and the banks into complete contempt. In an attempt to sugarcoat the bullet, Labour Minister Mark Parent said in an interview in response to the workers' "Rally for Fairness" on the following day, February 9 that "I've never understood the rationale behind that." He said, "The banks may be lending money, but the workers are lending their time, which is a form of money. Both should be treated equally." Parent stressed that "he has asked his department to make sure employees are treated fairly." These statements are made to disinform. The government is responsible for defending the public good and saving Eastern Protein from anti-social financial wreckers. Yet Parent can give no guarantee of their demands or initiative to create pro labour laws is taken and defend the public good while the victims are to believe that "everyone is in it together, labour and capital alike."

Far from being in a unique situation, however, workers in the Annapolis Valley should pay attention to the experience of the class across Canada. Before Hamilton's Stelco steel processing plant was sold off piecemeal to U.S. Steel, the company declared itself bankrupt and entered "creditor protection" under the auspices of the Companies' Creditors Protection Act (CCAA) in order to facilitate a massive theft of added value produced by the workers, and a similar fraud is now looming on the horizon for workers in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley.

The ideological root of this fraud -- repeated ad nauseum by the political cartels and in the monopoly media -- is the claim that workers are merely a cost of production whose claims are secondary to the monopolies and the financial oligarchy and who are expendable in the drive of those parties to make profit. This view is propounded not only in the case of ACA, Eastern Protein and their creditors, and in that of Stelco, but also in the cases of several other monopolies who have similarly dismissed the claims of workers in recent days. The auto monopolies GMC and Nissan are planning massive lay-offs that are almost sure to effect workers at their Canadian facilities.

Meanwhile, 24 unionized employees at the Halifax Herald, representing 23 percent of its news staff, have been given layoff notices on February 2. In December, Magna International shut down its Atlantic Castings Ltd.'s die-cast manufacturing plant in North Sydney, affecting a total of 45 full-time and 10 part-time jobs. Workers there have been keeping watch with an eagle eye and aim to block any maneouvre by Magna to ship the plant's equipment to one of its other operations. Furthermore, French multinational Michelin which operates three plants in Nova Scotia, announced on February 5 that 95 workers at its Waterville plant (also located in the Annapolis Valley), which produces truck, small off-the-road and earthmover tires, would be let go in April, on the heels of scores of other lay-offs in the company's plants in South Carolina and Oklahoma. The latter case prompted Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald to give some free promotional support to Michelin and all other monopolies with the mantra that "we're not (immune) to what's happening in the global economy."

MacDonald's use of the royal "we" is deceptive. In reality, all possible measures are being taken to immunize the monopolies and their creditors from the disastrous effects of a crisis of their making. It is the workers who are not immune to the effects of this crisis, as it is their claims that are being relentlessly attacked under the assumption that they are a cost of production whose value is as fickle and manipulable as any market commodity. On this basis, the monopolies and the financial oligarchy are demanding their proverbial pound of flesh before the workers can see one cent of what is justly owed to them.

In response to these attacks, workers at ACA and Eastern Protein recognize that the value of their work is fixed according to the amount of labour-time that is put into their products, and that all of this value -- in the form of pensions, severance pay or any other form -- is something upon which they have a rightful first claim. This just and true stand of ACA and Eastern Protein workers, is a powerful example to be followed by their brethren at Michelin, Nissan, GMC and all other monopolies who are attempting to shelter themselves from the consequences of their own self-destructive impulses.

Nova Scotians cannot stand back and allow this travesty of monopoly right to proceed without comment, opposition and widespread denunciation. They must put the monopolies on notice that they are not going to be able to operate in the dark with impunity and without active opposition. As one organized force, the workers of ACA Co-operative, laid off and still employed, must oppose all attempts to pit one against the other. Further, recognition of workers' centrality to production on the part of ACA and Eastern Protein workers must form the basis for building an independent politics of the entire Canadian working class. This imperative is made all the more pressing by the inability of even the most skilled of bourgeois orators to sugar-coat the reality faced by the working class, and by the fact that this ruling class has no just or sustainable solution to today's economic and political quagmire.

Concessions Are Not Solutions!
Defend the Dignity of Labour!
Whose Economy? Our Economy!


1. For more on the lay-offs at ACA Co-Operative, see TML Daily, February 5, 2009 - No. 27: "More Layoffs for Workers in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley: More Indifference from the State and the Monopolies."
2. For more on Stelco and CCAA, see TML Daily, January 16, 2006 - No. 1: "Stelco's CCAA Fraud -- Sanctioning Secret Intrigue and Theft: A Matter of Monopoly Power and Control Over the Process," and continuing coverage through to the present.
3. For more on the drive for "efficiency" on the part of the food monopolies, see TML Daily, March 7, 2007 - No. 36: "Workers and Farmers to Bear the Burden of Maple Leaf's 'Restructuring.'" See also "Maple Leaf Forever; the Crisis in Farming and Food," Shunpiking Online, Vol. 4, No. 4, May/June 2007

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Globe and Mail's Labour Cost Obsession

Part One
Globe and Mail's Objective Position as an Anti-Worker Social Relation

The Globe's labour cost obsession is not merely an editorial position expressing a subjective bias against the working class; it reflects the newspaper's unequal social relation as a section of the monopoly CTVglobemedia that exploits workers as chattel labour. The newspaper itself is a privately-owned part of the socialized economy, which claims profit of enterprise from realized added-value produced by Globe workers. This objective social relation pits owners of capital against the working class with competing claims on the same pool of realized added-value.

The owners of Globe capital consider as their private property everything associated with the company including all added-value produced by Globe workers. Owners of capital view workers as chattel labour, with no ownership rights to any of Globe property including the added-value they produce. The wages claimed by Globe workers according to capital-centred political economy and monopoly right come out of the company's privately-owned property regardless of the fact it is newly produced added-value. The existing unequal social relation between Globe workers and owners of capital dictate that the actual producers have no property rights to the added-value they produce. Capital-centred theory considers that owners' right of ownership extends to all property including the entire new added-value produced by the working class. All added-value produced by workers immediately slips from their grasp under capitalist political economy and falls to the owners of capital, even the portion that comes back to workers in the form of wages, salaries, benefits and pensions. From this perspective, the wages, benefits and pensions paid to the Globe workers come from a pool of private property controlled by the owners of Globe capital and are therefore a negative labour cost deducted from their private holdings.

The claims on added-value by the owners of Globe capital are in direct competition with Globe workers. The objective position of Globe owners of capital in their social relation with Globe workers drives their anti-worker prejudice and capital-centred outlook, which in turn shapes such anachronistic theories as labour costs of production. These anti-worker theories are reinforced within the ruling ideology in Canada, which outlaws in official discourse, education and mass media any theories that may accurately analyze the modern monopoly-controlled socialized economy and contradict theories of the ruling establishment.

The unequal social relation is reflected in the thinking and outlook of the owners of capital. Owners of Globe capital use their newspaper as a medium to create public opinion for the capital-centred outlook in general and specifically against their own workers. For owners of capital to behave and think otherwise would require at the very least a restriction of monopoly right within the unequal social relation and a consideration of workers not as ordinary chattel labour but as the human factor that transforms the bounty of Mother Earth into use-value.

To uphold the dignity of the human factor in socialized production requires a determined struggle within the existing unequal social relation to restrict the right of monopoly ownership to a claim on added-value. This struggle would entail restricting monopoly right from satisfying its claim until after workers have made their Canadian-standard claim and after governments have made claims sufficient to guarantee the rights of all members of society and fulfill all their other social responsibilities to the economy and society. The organized working class movement has to gain enough strength in numbers, unity and conviction to become effective in restricting monopoly right of ownership over added-value, something that requires in part a debunking of capital-centred political economy.

In contemporary Canada, owners of capital have secured their domination of the unequal social relation through monopoly right. The social relation has become even more anti-worker and anti-social given the concentrated power of the monopolies, their control of the state machine and their ideological dominance over the working class through manipulation of culture, education, the mass media and thinking in general. In the face of this tyranny over the economy, superstructure and all aspects of social life and civil society, the working class has to train itself in ways to refute and overcome capital-centred theory and practice.

As Hardial Bains taught long ago, "Understanding requires acts of conscious participation in acts of finding out."

Abstracting Absence

Workers can use the science of abstracting absence to get a better grasp on political economy. Imagine that the present dialectical social relation at the Globe and generally throughout the socialized economy is transformed and no longer has two contending social forces but only one, a revolutionized working class. This would require harmonizing the social relations with the socialized productive forces of modern industry. To do this the obsolete force would have to be removed. Owners of capital are the personification of the obsolete social force that is in contradiction with socialized production. Private ownership of the Globe would have to be replaced with a free association of the working class using the socialized productive forces for the common good. Any claim by owners of capital on the added-value produced by Globe workers would be eliminated. What then would happen to their theory of labour cost? It would become obvious that such a theory was based on the former unequal social relation and its subjective anti-worker bias.

With the overthrow of the old social relation, its theoretical underpinning is gone as well. The socialized productive forces and the entire added-value produced by the Globe workers would now be under the control of the free association of workers to be used as they decide within their democratic institutions. The added-value would be divided between the workers directly involved in production at the Globe according to their work and the various levels of government (local, regional, national and countrywide), which claim added-value to fulfill their social responsibilities to guarantee the rights of all, defend and expand the socialized economy and humanize the social and natural environments. The issue of labour cost would not arise, as workers would hardly view themselves as chattel labour and a cost to themselves and their society. The transformation of the unequal social relation throughout Canada would mark the end of the Canadian working class in its present form of chattel labour. It would also signify the end of the aim of the unequal social relation to defend and expand individual private wealth and privilege, replaced with an aim defined by the collective and individual needs, agenda, program and thinking of the working class to guarantee the rights of all and humanize the social and natural environment.


Promotion of the narrow private interests of owners of capital and their unequal social relation with the working class, which includes the owners of Globe capital and Globe workers, is expressed routinely and without criticism in the Globe and in the CTVglobemedia Empire. The anti-worker bias is reinforced by using spokespeople, experts and academics from universities, think tanks and trade unions who repeat without criticism capital-centred theories such as labour cost.

The anti-worker bias is expressed ad nauseam in all the mass media controlled by the unequal social relation CTVglobemedia including its television stations CTV, BNN, TSN, MuchMusic etc. and through the CHUM Radio Network. But that is not all.

The anti-worker social relation CTVglobemedia, which controls the Globe and Mail, has tentacles that stretch widely throughout the Anglo-U.S. Empire. Finance capital operates with interlocking ownership. CTVglobemedia is itself controlled by other factions of capital some known, some hidden. Major owners of CTVglobemedia are The Woodbridge Company (Thomson family) 40 percent, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan 25 percent, Torstar 20 percent and Bell Canada 15 percent.

The relationship with Torstar is significant in that Torstar operates another unequal social relation shaping anti-worker public opinion. Torstar owns either wholly or significantly the Toronto Star, Metroland Media Group (with over 130 daily and community publications across Canada such as the Hamilton Spectator, the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, the Cambridge Reporter, the Guelph Mercury and Metro in partnership with CanWest), Torstar Digital including toronto.com, Sing Tao Daily (largest Chinese language newspaper in Canada), Harlequin book publishing, Workopolis employment centre profiting from unemployment and the obsolete labour market (operating in French in partnership with Gesca Ltée, the newspaper publishing subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada), and Black Press publisher of 150 newspapers in Alberta, British Columbia, Washington state, Hawaii and Ohio and owner of websites selling used vehicles (usedeverywhere.com) throughout the Anglo-U.S. empire.

The ownership connection of Black Press newspapers with selling cars has resulted in the following open controversy as described by Wikipedia: "In August, 2007, a story in the Victoria News sparked a complaint from an advertiser and led to the firing/resignation of three senior Black Press employees. Victoria News reporter Brennan Clarke quit the publication after a story he wrote about buying cheaper cars in the United States led to a complaint from Victoria car dealership Dave Wheaton Pontiac Buick GMC. Black Press claimed the article was not balanced, and said that reporters and editors should not purposely jeopardize advertising revenue with their stories, because that revenue pays their salaries. The company also fired the Vic News' long-time editor, Keith Norbury, in part because of the complaint. And Black Press's Vancouver Island Newsgroup regional editor, Brian Lepine, resigned in protest. The Canadian Association of Journalists publicly questioned the credibility and independence of the Victoria News, wondering how many stories Black Press kills behind the scenes because of advertising concerns."[1]

The anti-worker opinions expressed in the media empire (CTVglobemedia, Torstar, Black Press) are objectively rooted in the unequal social relation based on private ownership of a part of the socialized forces of production. The private media monopolies exploit the working class as chattel labour, propagate capital-centred theory to maintain and confirm their dominance within the social relation, and keep the working class disinformed, confused and incapable of finding its independent bearings based on modern human-centred theory.

Join and build Groups of Writers and Disseminators to help free the working class from the ideological straitjacket of capital-centred thinking and theory.

(Part two: The necessity to challenge capital-centred theory or fall unwittingly into its quagmire. The Globe's use of trade union leaders and experts to reinforce the anti-worker theory of labour cost -- two Globe examples, "CAW to cite productivity in labour cost talks" and "CAW eyes labour cost cut." For a recent item refuting the theory of labour cost see TML Daily, February 9, 2009 - No. 29 "Autoworkers Are Not a Labour Cost, They Are the Producers of the Value They Claim")


1. For more details on this Black Press controversy see www.publiceyeonline.com/archives/002624.html and www.publiceyeonline.com/archives/002609.htm.

(Sources: business websites, Wikipedia)

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